4 Ways To Help Your Kids Succeed At School

We all want our children to do their very best at school. A good school record builds confidence and opens doors in your child’s future that they will be forever grateful for. 

But no matter how good the school is, or how engaged your child is, we can all lose focus. Your child might sometimes need a helping hand or a bit of extra attention to ensure they are reaching their full potential in their education.

So if you’re looking for some ideas on how to help your child succeed at school, check out the list below for some top tips. 

Image by klimkin from Pixabay

Send Them Ready To Learn

First things first, it’s so important that your child arrives at school feeling fresh, energized and ready to learn. There are a few things you can do to give your child the best start to their day, every day. 

Laying out a nutritious breakfast is not only a great way to spend some time with your kids in the morning. It will also fuel them up for the rest of the day, and make sure they are properly focussed during lessons. 

You can help boost your child’s attention span, concentration, and memory by providing breakfast foods that are rich in whole grains, fiber, and protein, as well as low in added sugar.

Attend Parent-Teacher Nights and Keep in Touch

Letting both your child and their teacher know that you are engaged in their education will help your child succeed at every stage of their education. 

Make sure to attend whenever invited to speak to your child’s teacher, and touch base with them whenever you have concerns or questions. 

Make sure you know how well your child is performing, keep up to date with their homework, and ask the staff what your child needs to focus on. This co-operation and extra support will help keep everyone on the same road to your child’s success. 

Extra Resources

If your child is struggling in a specific area of the curriculum, they might need a little extra help in that area. It can be difficult to ensure they get this help at school.

But there are lots of fantastic online resources which can give them a helping hand. The best math tutoring apps are easy to use and can slot quite neatly into your child’s daily routine. 

Get Proactive With Homework

No one really likes homework. Especially when it gets in the way of fun and games. But making sure your child is giving their homework the time and attention it deserves will make a huge difference to their overall success at school.  

The key here is building a routine for your child around their homework. A time-slot every evening where they go over the school day, share their homework tasks with you, and complete the work they need to do.

A quiet, well-lit, comfortable space will help with focus, and placing priority on homework over other evening tasks and activities will help create an enduring routine. 

While your child does homework, be available to interpret assignment instructions, offer guidance, answer questions, and review the completed work. But resist the urge to provide the correct answers or complete the assignments yourself. Learning from mistakes is part of the process. 

2020 Kimberly Signature

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