5 Tips to Help with Lipedema Swelling

Lymphedema swelling is often confused with lymphedema. However, it’s a bit different in that it typically impacts your lower extremities and predominantly affects women. Those who live with lipedema often struggle with frequent swelling. While your healthcare provider can help you understand the course of treatment that’s best for you, these tips can help you manage your lipedema swelling:

Use of Compression Bandages

When you get the answer to what is lipedema swelling, you may be concerned about how to control it. One of the most helpful treatments for swelling is compression garments. Whether you use knee-high socks or leggings, compression bandages can help encourage the flow of fluids that build up and cause swelling.

You’ll want to make sure to use compression garments that fit correctly. When using bandages, have your healthcare provider show you the best way to wrap them so that you can get the compression benefits. Additionally, with socks or tights, there are different compression levels, so speak with your doctor about which level would be best for your needs.

Eat an Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Another important way to take care of your lipedema swelling is to eat healthy food options. You’ll want to make sure your diet includes plenty of greens, fruits, garlic, and ginger. Red meats should be avoided, while protein like salmon and other lean protein should be consumed. Make sure to include turmeric in your everyday meals.

Hydration is also key in keeping excessive swelling at bay. Along with the benefits provided by this type of diet for your overall health, it’s a great way to manage your weight, which is also beneficial for those with lipedema. If you can afford it, hire a chef or purchase a food subscription to help with your healthy eating.

Get Exercise

From managing hormone fluctuations to helping to move fluids throughout your legs and prevent buildup, exercising can benefit those with lipedema. Although you may find it painful to do high-intensity workouts if the swelling is bad, low-impact exercise is very helpful in decreasing swelling. It is also valuable for weight management, another critical aspect of managing lipedema swelling.

Whether you sign up for yoga online, attend a gym, or simply go for walks every day, exercise will help you in more ways than one.


While this isn’t your first choice, liposuction can most likely help decrease the swelling and size of inflamed legs. Exercise can be helpful for many people with lipedema, but it may not reduce swelling as much as liposuction surgery. Depending on your medical insurance plan, you’ll want to see if this procedure is covered. Even if it isn’t, it may still be worth considering if it significantly decreases swelling.

In-Depth Vascular Care

You may have varicose veins, leg discoloration, feel itchy, or experience fatigue in your legs. All this may be due to vascular conditions. Vascular disease can contribute to your lipedema symptoms, which is why in some cases, it’s wise to get help from a doctor specialized in vascular care.

While vascular conditions aren’t always the cause behind your lipedema, it’s essential to find out if your underlying illness is causing swelling so you can take care of it.

In Conclusion

Anyone who suffers from lipedema knows that it isn’t a fun experience. However, with the right doctor and care, you can live a normal life as you learn to manage swelling and pain. The tips mentioned above can help you control and understand your condition, but for further advice on your specific needs, speak to your medical provider to get the proper treatment for you.

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