A Dream Holiday Destination

There isn’t just one dream holiday destinations in the world, we’re lucky enough to be blessed with so many. But there are some destinations out there that really just stand out from the crowd. The ones that take your breath away with the amount of wonders they behold. These are the ones you want to be heading to. Your bucket list should be full of them. Make sure that this year you’re not sticking to the traditional destinations that we’re all used to. Push the boat out a little and try out some of the destinations we’re going to talk about below. We’re not just going to talk about one because there are just so many different dream holiday destinations.

A Dream Holiday Destination

The Maldives

Let’s start with the most perfect beach holiday. The Maldives is the stuff of dreams to a lot of you reading this. But it can often seem a bit out of reach. If you know where to look though, you can find some really great bargains. It really is a tiny place, so there isn’t as much to do as you would think. A lot of what you can do involves the water, which we really wouldn’t complain about. The beaches and water are one of the main things that attracts people to the Maldives. The water is so crystal clear and blue, you can see absolutely everything underneath, as scary as that might be.

The accommodations that you’re going to find is amazing as well. The majority of resorts seem the be luxurious five stars, but there are some more affordable four stars that are equally as amazing. Most of the dining is done within the hotel, but you can venture out if you’d like.

Last but not least, check out 100 Best Things to Do in The Maldives from our friends over at Jen Reviews before you venture out and you will definitely have plenty to keep you busy.

machu picchu


Peru is a wonderful place to visit. It is full to the brim with culture and sights to see. You might already know of some of the obvious places on your hit list in Peru, Machu Picchu being one of them. If you haven’t already looked into it, a machu picchu hike is a must. Yes, you’ll some come to realise that Peru is going to involve a lot of walking. But the outcome of which is going to be amazing. You’ll never experience views and history like it anywhere else in the world. Pretty much everything you do in Peru is going to involve walking, but there are some amazing food establishments dotted around to fill your belly. When you’re done with a hard day of hiking, there are some beautiful beaches in Peru that will help to chill you out in no time.

ice hotel iceland


Iceland is definitely one you need to visit this year. Whilst booking the holiday itself might not be expensive, the actual spending money is, so be careful. But Iceland is just so magical in every way. Swimming in the blue lagoons, wonder around Gullfoss, you really will be taken aback by the stunning scenery. If you wanted to be a little bit more unique, there are some great hotels for you to stay in. One of the funkiest is definitely the ice hotel.

Did our dream holiday destinations match yours? Share your favorite dream destinations with us below!

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