A Visit to the Doctor to Cure the Crud

diagram of bronchitis

I spent all day Saturday and Sunday in bed. Yep, Mother’s Day weekend in bed – not exactly what I had planned but hey – I got plenty of “me” time – because I was sick. Woke up Saturday morning and had a really difficult time breathing. It was rather warm, and it only seemed to get worse each time I took our little MoMo outside, so I assumed it was allergies – and I was reacting to the pollen that was all over everything. Hasn’t ever happened to me before but hey – there’s a first time for everything.

Naturally, I blamed the Man Thing for it. HE has had allergies as long as I have known him (19 years on June 8th!) so I had to give him a hard time for giving me his allergies instead of letting some of his street smarts or sheer brute strength rub off on me. That would have been too *nice* for him to share with me!

I tried Benadryl. I tried Claritin. I tried the Man Thing’s asthma pump. I even tried one of the breathing treatments he uses for his asthma – nothing worked. My breathing just continued to get worse and worse. By Saturday night I was wheezing so bad that the only relief I was able to get was from laying down on my side. I was doing a Breaking Amish marathon on TLC, but when the Man Thing came home he changed the channel to stupid Star Trek, so I came into the bedroom and started a Glee Marathon. I just finished Season 1 today and will be starting Season 2 in about 20 minutes.

Sunday, Mother’s Day, was no better. If anything – it was worse. And it scared the chit out of me. My next-door neighbor had just undergone lung cancer surgery and is getting ready to begin her chemotherapy. Another neighbor had lung cancer as well. They both smoked. The Man Thing smokes and has COPD and emphysema. So naturally, my imagination was in overdrive and running away with me. So I called my doctor’s office and left a message telling them I needed an appointment ASAP on Monday.

Monday came and I was absolutely miserable. I couldn’t breathe, saying more than four words at a time left me breathless. The brain was still in overdrive and I was worrying about every little thing. Finally got to the doctor’s office and had a few x-rays taken – turns out I have gotten myself a moderately severe (what an oxymoron that is) case of bronchitis. So I’m on antibiotics, steroids, codeine cough medication, and an inhaler when the wheezing “just won’t quit” as the doc put it.

Good point about all of this – I’ve cut back on the smoking. Now if I can just keep the willpower up to continue and (hopefully) quit in the near future. THAT would be the best gift I could give myself – and my family.

2020 Kimberly Signature

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