New build homes can be utterly devoid of originality. They might be spacious, warm, efficient and comfortable, but they can easily start out the same as every other house on their estate, and on many other estates around the country. This is a cost-effective way to build homes, and fortunately, the designs appeal to many of us. But, none of us want to live in a house that’s a replica of many others.
Our homes should be as unique as we are. They should show off our style and taste and be full of those little touches that set it apart. Our homes are where we relax and switch off. They are where we are truly ourselves, where we feel safe and where we spend time with our loved ones. They should reflect our unique personalities with their own uniqueness. But with many of us buying our furniture from popular houseware stores, it can be hard. Here are some ways to add some personal touches to your home.
Get Crafting
Pinterest is a brilliant source of ideas when it comes to crafting and homeware. The best way to ensure something is one of a kind is to make it yourself. Even small pictures, collages, and displays can stand out if they are homemade. You don’t need to be super arty or talented to create something fresh that looks great and adds something extra to your home.
Be Bold
If you want to add unique touches, you need to step away from following trends and fashions. They don’t last anyway. Instead, be bold. Think about the colors and styles that you really love. They don’t have to match, and they don’t have to be on trend, you just need to love them. Be bold and brave but most importantly be yourself.
Shop Secondhand
Shopping and donating your old goods to the Habitat shop might not sound very unique. It’s all been owned before after all. But, perhaps not for a while. If you like retro or vintage pieces, this can be a great way to find some bargains that are authentic and that none of your friends will have.
Shopping second hand also gives you a great chance to create something new. Buy old pieces of furniture or dig your own out of the attic and strip them down. Repaint furniture, add some upholstery to change the purpose of a piece or take what you need from different items to create something entirely new. Upcycling is a beautiful way to save money, create something unique and be bold with your décor. Before replacing anything, ask yourself if it could be upcycled.
Add Meaning
Artwork is always a great finishing touch. But, to be genuinely unique, make sure everything that you hang means something. This could be photographs from special events and occasions or paintings from places that hold special memories for you and your family. Make sure everything on your walls tells a story or brings back a memory, and your home will always be filled with love and joy.