Come To Grips With Online Shopping This Christmas Using Our Handy Guide

With Christmas on its way, the rush to buy presents has well and truly begun. Christmas shopping can be a stressful time  shops get busy and things sell out fast. Nowadays, it can be easier to come to grips with online shopping to save you from having to face all that holiday madness.

The Christmas Shopping Season is Underway

When you use the internet to shop, the world is at your fingertips! If you’re new to the world of online shopping though, it can be confusing. You need to be able to grab those perfect Christmas presents up as soon as they are available. We’ve put together a quick list of things to consider when you face the online shopping world this holiday season.

Shop Around

Just like you would in the real world, it’s important that you shop around online. Once you’ve got an idea for the perfect gift, see what bargains you can find. Online sites have a variety of prices, and you want to make sure you get the best deal! Catalogues like Conforama can be a great help in finding the best deals, as can price comparison sites. Save yourself trawling through endless web pages. Find a site that compares various prices in one place. Unlike with traditional shopping, online shopping comes with the addition of postage. Consider the different postage options to ensure you’re still getting the best deal. If you’re ordering one gift off a site, look around and see if there’s anything else you can buy too. The more you buy off a site, the more worthwhile the shipping costs.

Shipping Dates and Deliveries

Shipping Dates and Deliveries

Talking of shipping, it’s important to check that the site you’re ordering from has shipping dates that will allow your gifts to arrive on time. As Christmas is such a busy period, most websites have Christmas shipping dates listed. Take the time to look for them and work out when you need to order by. You don’t want to spend the money on a gift, only to find it doesn’t arrive until two weeks after the day! Most sites ship quickly, but if you’re ordering from overseas, you might have a longer wait. This is due to customs and other delays. Make sure you check this before you spend any money!

If You Don’t Have Any Ideas

If you don’t have any ideas what to buy, the internet can be a great source of inspiration. There are many gift buying guides available online, including our own 2016 Epic Holiday Gift Guide Spectacular. There are also many great sites with Christmas gift ideas that are a little different. If you’re completely stuck, check out the unique gifts on offer. Even if you don’t end up buying anything from the site, it’s an excellent way to gain inspiration. If you do find the perfect thing while trawling through, check prices elsewhere. A lot of these sites have higher prices because they know they’re catering to a market at the end of its tether. The novelty items on offer are often elsewhere for a lower price.

14 thoughts on “Come To Grips With Online Shopping This Christmas Using Our Handy Guide

  1. I am skipping lines and torture at the stores this year. I favorite online store is Amazon. I watch the every day deals and EBates has really paid off

  2. As always you have made some great points-especially about shipping. I have learned the hard way about shipping too many times. I’m excited to check out
    Conforama I have never heard of them.

  3. These are great tips! I am a huge fan of online shopping versus going out, it is just so much easier and more convenient for me! 🙂 I have three kiddos under 7, so shopping can definitely be quite the ordeal!

    1. OMG I feel your pain Lauryn lol … I definitely would do all of my shopping online except for what I absolutely had to do and even then I’d try and do it while the kids were with a neighbor or on the way home from work.

  4. Don’t forget to check to see if the site offers any coupons or money back. I use it all the time and have saved hundreds.

  5. I’ve never heard of Conforma before. There are plenty of apps that will look for lower prices for a product you have in your cart or are looking at online. There are also apps that will search for discount codes for you for the site you’re on.

    1. Conforma is one of the leading retailers in Spain … mentioned for our European friends 😉 They’ve got some great deals on their site too but you are right … one of my favorites for those living in the US is Flipp. I love that little app … have it on my phone right now checking out Black Friday deals lol!

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