Feel like you overdid it a bit over the festive and new year period? Don’t worry, lots of people will be in the same boat as you and will be trying to knock their drinking on the head over the next few weeks. In fact, some people will try and go a bit further and give up alcohol for the whole of January.
Over the past few years, Dry January has become increasingly popular as more and more people give up alcohol for the whole year. There are numerous health benefits for this dry period, such as weight loss and manageable blood pressure. Want to join them and reap these great benefits? These following tips should help you give up the booze for as long as possible.
Enjoy Evenings In
When you are just starting out with Dry January, you might find some temptations are too much to bear. There will be no bigger temptation than a big night out on the town! So, it’s a good idea to pass on any big parties and nights out to start with – wait until you build up your confidence when not drinking to attend these. For the first few weeks, it’s a good idea to get a comfy bean bag at comfsacks.com, find your favorite movie on netflix.com, and settle down for a cozy night in. You can still enjoy a delicious drink during your night in – how about a decadent hot chocolate to replace your usual glass of wine?
Relax With Virgin Cocktails
If you are worried about giving up some of your favorite cocktails, you should consider mixing some virgin versions of your faves. There are lots of great takes on popular cocktails that don’t include any alcohol at all. Most of these are mixes of different fruit juices, making them pretty healthy drinks!
Think About Food Choices
Are there any meals or food that you used to always wash down with a cool glass of beer or wine? One example is a delicious Indian curry – lots of people order an Indian takeaway to enjoy with a refreshing beer. Well, if this sounds like what you used to do, you might want to stay away from these meals for the first few weeks of Dry January – they might trigger some booze cravings that could be very strong!
Go For Fake Alcohol
If you find that the temptation of alcohol is just too much for you to cope with, you might want to try drinking fake alcohol. Non-alcoholic beer has been in shops for a few decades now, and non-alcoholic wine and spirits have slowly been added to many shop shelves as well over the past few years. Lots of people like to drink alcohol-free beers while they are out because they then don’t have to deal with any searching questions from friends about why they aren’t drinking.
Hopefully, all of the tips above can help you make a big success of Dry January – good luck, I’m sure you’ll get to February without a drink!