Do You Have an Updated Social Media Marketing Plan?

Hubspot Social Media Kit Free Download

When was the last time you thought about your social media marketing plan? A couple weeks ago? A year ago? Never? I have to admit that I didn’t have a ‘set in stone’ marketing plan in place, but there was a method to my madness.

Madness is right.

Hubspot Social Media Kit Free Download

With the various different social networking sites available to companies and bloggers alike, having a social media strategy is a key element for your business or blog. So where do you begin? How do you begin?

This kit walks you through the exact steps you should follow to set up your social media marketing plan from beginning to end. Inside you will find tips and guidance in the form of audio, video, SlideShares, ebooks, benchmark data, Excel template, PowerPoint templates, one-on-one help, and more!

Click on the download now link at the bottom of this post, and be sure to stop by Twitter and thank Susannah Morris, the E-Commerce Marketing Manager at HubSpot, (@swmorris2) for sharing this great resource with all of us.

Download Now

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