Don’t Ignore These Problems When Buying a New Home

We all know that the housing market is competitive. If you’re buying a home, particularly for the first time, then you may well feel the pressure to move fast for fear that the house you are interested in will get sold before you get a chance to but it. Often, this means making ill-informed decisions and not giving yourself the chance to fully research the house that you are interested in. The simple fact of the matter is though, that you must research the home that you are buying or you may end up taking on something that will become a financial burden to maintain to a liveable standard. 

In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the problems with houses that you really shouldn’t ignore and that you should keep your eyes wide open for. 

old roof

An Old Roof

While not all old roofs will have problems, a rood generally has a life expectancy. Find out how old the roof is on the property that you are looking at buying and if it Preventive Maintenance Support will be needed to replace the roof in the near future. 

Roofs do need changing from time-to-time, and they should last for many years once they are in place. It is, however, an expense you may not have bargained for when you’re first buying the house though. 

faulty wiring

Out of Date Wiring 

When it comes to the wiring in the home that you are buying, you should consider its age. If the home has been rewired within the last decade or so, then it should be fine. However, if it is an older home which was built several decades ago, then it may not be safe for the demands of the modern home. 

Think about the number of devices and appliances that you have plugged in at any one time. If you need to use extension cords everywhere, then you may be overloading your wiring system and this could lead to a fire. 

crime rate

A High Crime Rate 

Check the crime rates in the area that you are looking to buy. If there are lots of instances of robbery or assault in the area then it is not going to do the value of your home any good. Not only that, but you will also no doubt be concerned that you will become a victim of crime. 

flood zone

Is The Home Built On a Flood Zone?

Even if the home that you are looking at buying is not built next to a river, you should still be concerned about flooding. Slopes and drain easements can contribute to your home flooding. Do some research and find out whether the home you are looking at buying is situated in a flood zone. 

don't ignore these problems when buying a new home

Damp and Mold 

If there are two things that you don’t want in your home it is mold and damp. These problems could come from a leak somewhere or they may stem from flooding that has not been cleaned up properly.  

2020 Kimberly Signature

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