Leading up to the Easter break will fill most parents with excitement and a bit of fear. A chance to spend some quality time with your children. But then when they are happening you can be filled with many feelings. A worry that your kids are bored. You may be struggling to keep them occupied. It may even be that you are worried about juggling home life, working, and your children being at home. If this is you, then rest assured.
The break is there for you all to slow down from the routine of school and work. While working may still need to take place, you can really embrace the slower mornings and less chaos. Keeping kids occupied might be tough, but there are a few things that you can do. Along with schedules and planning, you can ensure that everyone enjoys the Easter break. Here are a few suggestions to make the most of the Easter break.

Take A Trip Away
Why not make the most of your children being off school or nursery and take them for a trip away. You don’t have to go anywhere too far. There are so many places in the country you live or a short plane ride away. Easter Holidays can be the perfect time to get away. This will automatically get rid of any boredom that has been felt. It will also give you a chance to have a bit of a break. The perfect choice for both parents and kids. A holiday can be a great talking point for when they return to school as well. Meaning that everyone will feel well-rested from the break. Ready to get back to normal routines.
Explore Some Local Attractions
Most of the time we don’t appreciate what we have locally and tend to travel far and wide to see some major attractions. But the chances are you have some great things to do right on your doorstep. Most towns have local museums or art galleries. During the Easter break, most will have activities for kids to get involved in. You could visit the local swimming pool or cinema for something a little different. If you look close enough, you will see plenty to do nearby, meaning you spend less on travel arrangements.
Spend Some Time Inside
Sometimes the simplest of activities can be the most fun, and this is when staying inside and enjoying some home comforts can be on the cards. Besides, the weather may not always be on your side. Children can make a den, play with toys, or even enjoy some of the best Easter movies for kids. You could make it a bit different by setting up some cushions and blankets, and some nice snacks to enjoy. Often doing things like this are the things the kids remember the most, and everyone can benefit from some more relaxation time.
Easter Crafts and Other Indoor Activities
If the weather isn’t particularly nice to you. You could set up a few old-fashioned board games and ignite a bit of competitive spirit. Or use Easter as a theme for some crafts. This could be as simple as painting a picture, gluing and sticking or creating some modern art. Pinterest has many different craft ideas to inspire you. Easter is a great theme for some crafts, and it can keep the kids happy and occupied for hours. Board games are great as they often don’t get played with, so you could set some things up for them to keep them occupied, especially if you have things to do yourself.
Get Some Fresh Air
Whether it’s raining or sunny, try and get outside as much as possible. If the weather is nice, then pack yourself a picnic and make the most of it. Enjoying the countryside or your local park can make a great day out. If it is raining, don’t let that put you off. You could pop on your Wellington boots, grab an umbrella, and go and splash in the muddy puddles. It’s refreshing to embrace your inner child every now and again.

Organize a Playdate
Finally, if all else fails then organize for some friends to come round. This will pass some time for you and the kids and give you a change of scenery if you attend someone else’s home. Plus it’s a good opportunity for the parents to catch up. This is also a great idea if the kids are not similar ages, or they don’t have many people they can play with locally.
Let’s hope this inspires you to make the most out of the Easter break. Enjoy.