You may have noticed that since becoming a parent, your style has probably altered somewhat. Whereas before, you’d have had the time to sit and straighten your hair in the morning and apply your makeup, now you may just get enough time for the standard ‘shove the hair into a bun and hope for the best’ look. You likely won’t be skipping about on five-inch heels just to go to the shops, and you won’t be picking items of clothing that can be easily worn out, too expensive due to the poop and vomit risk, or too sheer.
Clothing and shoes as a mother tend to change, but not for everyone. A lot of mothers make that effort to keep up their skincare and makeup routines, and still risk wearing white shirts (seriously, who’s brave enough for that?!) while they raise their babies. The good news?
[bctt tweet=”There is no wrong answer when it comes to your style tastes!” username=”KimAtLiah”]
A mother who chooses to don a uniform of jeans and plain t-shirts is often just as confident as the mother with the skirt suit and her hair in a perfect chignon. You may not cavort around in the same sheer clothing as you did pre-baby, but you will still find that you rely on the same staples for your wardrobe. Things like a large and sturdy handbag will still be a must, even if you’re filling it up with diapers and teething toys.
Your style will also natural change as you age and your body changes shape. Motherhood does both of those for you in a relatively short space of time, so keeping your wardrobe up with the latest trends can be so important for your own self-image. The idea is to continue to look put-together, happy and confident, even if you’ve only had ninety minutes of sleep and you have baby sick in your hair – it’s just brushed in, now!
There’s something fun about making a good effort with your style when you’re a parent. Sure, it’s easy to bum around in yoga pants and a strappy top for easy breastfeeding, but it can get a little old to wear that every single day. Confidence comes with what you wear as much as it does anything else, and it’s all about feeling good about yourself. So, if you’re done with yoga pants and a Mom ‘bun’ in your hair, then check out the tips below:
Sturdy Handbag
We mentioned earlier that you’d likely be loading up your handbag with diapers, but you don’t have to. It’s all about spending your cash wisely: you can still buy your buttery soft leather Gucci, but make sure that you have a separate changing bag for your baby paraphernalia. Babies come with a lot of stuff, which you’ll notice dripping all over your house. When you go out, it’s no different. You need to be loaded up with wipes, creams, diapers and teething gels as well as spare clothes. To be able to handle that full-on baby arsenal, you need to check out these amazing baby changing bags. Make sure that for your bag, you choose a cross-body bag. This will mean hands free and easy when you’re sorting the children out!
Comfortable Shoes
Yes, trainers are comfortable. Plimsolls and sandals are, too. The thing is, you may have had an insane love of heels and beautiful Billini shoes before you had kids. It’s okay, you can still have that love and watch that love grow in your wardrobe with your next pair. It’s all about balance here, and you don’t have to rely on flat shoes if you don’t want to. Boots are a winter essential and even heeled boots have their place if you want to be able to be stylish. You can still be on trend when you run around after your kids, with your feet beautifully shod you can feel amazing on the outside as well as gorgeous on the inside.
Fitted Denim
It’s a typical statement of any fashion wardrobe, but jeans really do have their place. The key is to find a well-fitting pair of jeans that hug your figure in all the right places. There’s no point in investing in great skinny denim if you’re going to feel discomfort, or as if your hips are spilling over the top. You also don’t want to have to crouch down to wipe a face and have your underwear ride up and over so that everyone can see! You need to shop around for good jeans; don’t hit the budget stores just because it’s what you can afford. You can still buy budget and make sure that they fit your waist and thighs all at the same time. It’s amazing what a simple pair of jeans can do for your self-confidence, too.
Trendy Leather
Mom’s typically run from the house to the car to get their kids at school and complete their errands. Having a lightweight, trendy leather jacket on the hook ready to grab means that you are adding some chic to your look, even if you are only heading to the school and back. It can really jazz up a casual outfit, and you’ll be turning heads with the other Mom’s. A little effort with a simple jacket can really look like a lot of effort taken, so take the time to shop here for an amazing short jacket ready for your next outing from the home.
Statement Jewelry
Given that babies have hands that grab everything and get everywhere, most parents choose to go for understated and simple jewelry. Stud earrings instead of hoops, for example. I learned that the hard way after my daughter and sons yanked my hoops out several times! Adding some statement pieces to your look can really make your whole wardrobe sparkle and give you an overhaul to your look that you just weren’t expecting to have.
Looking put-together as a Mom is going to start with you organizing your time to give you those precious minutes to look great when you wake up. Take the time to look great and you’ll always feel great, too.