Friday Twitter Connect – Pet Peeves

friday twitter connect with liahI just posted about my “frustrations” with the testosterone carriers earlier, so today’s Friday Twitter Connect question is – What is your pet peeve? If you have more than one – that’s okay too! Feel free to share and get the discussion rolling! (Oh, and by the way, I found my three hole punch … in a box in my closet. Mom had some SERIOUS apologizing to do to the testosterone carriers…)

I actually have several pet peeves, in no particular order:

  • kids who shove stuff under their beds instead of putting it away when asked to clean their rooms;
  • people who smile in your face and act super friendly – and then talk about you like a dog behind your back;
  • people who receive welfare and/or food stamps but can afford to walk around in designer clothing & sell food stamps to pay their bills;
  • individuals with degrees who act as though they are somehow a “better” human being than you simply because they have a college degree.

Those are my pet peeves for the week. I know there are tons more (ha ha) but those are the ones that come to mind. So what about you? What are your pet peeves?

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