Go Back-to-School with Order Out of Chaos!
Join Us for a New Webinar
Life in a House of Testosterone loves Order Out of Chaos! I found a kindred spirit in Leslie Josel, a mother whose son was diagnosed with ADD, Executive Dysfunction and some learning issues in kindergarten – not unlike my experiences with my own son on his first day at kindergarten. We have had the opportunity to review her Academic Planner (which I highly encourage you to purchase if your school does not have a mandatory planner). We’ve also reviewed the It’s 10PM: Don’t You Have Homework to Do? DVD which is just literally jammed pack with so much awesomeness – I’m surprised she only charges $25.00 for it, honestly!
Monday, August 11th, 2014
First there was Black Friday, then Cyber Monday, and now? Back to School Saturday! Started a few years ago by retailers and magazines to lure teens into the stores for back-to-school shopping, we’ve decided to jump on the bandwagon with an event of our own!
In this one hour webinar, we will cover paper organizing, time management strategies, the newest products NOT FOUND IN STORES for BTS and so much more. Learn how External Communicators can help your student stay motivated and get work done. Learn which Homework Games actually help your student focus and retain more. I Promise You Real Practical Tips and Solutions that will help Your Student Start the School Year off right! Perfect for Parents of students’ ages 8 to 15.
What’s a webinar? Once you register for the class, you will be sent a confirmation, class handout, a FREE website for you to click onto. I will be on the computer teaching the class and you listen either by phone OR watch on your own computer from the comfort of your own home. You can also email me questions throughout the webinar as there will be time for Q&A.
Can’t make that date? No worries! I have you covered. The class will be recorded and available on my site for one week for you to listen to whenever you have time.
The cost is only $25.00! Payable to Order Out of Chaos by check or PayPal.
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