Self-isolation has blown off all your plans for the year – at least until we know it’s safe to go out again. As a result, it’s not unexpected to experience frustration, anxiety, and a sense of sadness. If you are prone to depressive moods, being isolated at home can also reinforce these issues. Therefore, you know that now’s the time to look after yourself.
Everyone is adapting to the new situation in the best way they can. Some choose to meditate daily to release tensions. Others get dressed up in the morning to maintain a sense of normality. Many turn to feel-good tricks that work for them. However, what people fail to notice is that the lockdown is also disrupting their cognitive abilities. Indeed, self-isolation could make you dumber.
You gravitate toward feel-good snacks
It’s no news to you. Food that’s high in sugar content is no long-term solution. At the moment, it makes you feel good and satisfied. However, the benefits don’t last. The sugar rush leads to a sugar crash, which affects your mood. Additionally, sugary treats make you feel lethargic and can lead to headaches. The sudden energy expenditure also affects your concentration. If you rely on sugar too often, you’ll find it harder to focus your mind and think clearly.
Stuck at home means less cerebral stimulation
What was your work password again? When was the last time you analyzed data? How do you use that work tool?
Self-isolation changes everything. Businesses have had to reduce their activities, and some were forced to furlough some of their staff. As a result, you might find yourself forgetting how to perform basic, everyday job tasks. Something simple such as thinking your way through a problem can become a lot harder when you can’t remember how things used to work. Staying mentally fit means maintaining cerebral activities as much as possible. You can use lions mane for memory to make things easier. Besides, don’t hesitate to join online classes and tutorials to refresh your work memory!
Slowly building harmful addictive behaviors
What can you do when you can’t go out? There are plenty of things that you could find. However, for the majority of consumers, self-isolation means alcohol consumption. In fact, according to data analysis on social media, alcoholic drinks are recording over 320% more engagement since the beginning of the self-isolation period. People are not just enjoying the social media campaigns, they’re also buying more alcohol. A little indulgence doesn’t hurt, of course. But in large and regular quantities, alcohol also damages your brain cells.
A lasting sense of confusion
When you’re stuck at home, you can relax your routine. You don’t need to get up as early as usual. You don’t even need to go to bed at a decent time. Who cares? Even if you need to work in the morning, it doesn’t take you more than a minute to get to your desk. You work until you’re done, regardless of how late it is. But, the lack of routine can lead to mental confusion, making it hard to think clearly.
Self-isolation could make you dumb if you’re not careful. Maintaining your mental health is just as crucial as your mood. For many of us, this means changing our lockdown habits. In the long term, we all want to come out of this ready to rebuild the economy and the normality of our lives.

This all is so true. It really takes a toll on you for sure.