I’m gonna be straight up honest with you – being a parent is HARD WORK.
You, as a parent, have to make sure that your kids are brought up in the best possible way. Sometimes, your living situation means you have to make the most of what’s around you, but that doesn’t mean you can let things get really bad, of course. You’ll want your kids to live in a world that is filled with love, optimism, ambition, and overall happiness. If they have bouts of negativity or sadness quite frequently, then it’ll have a huge impact on the rest of their lives.

The good thing is that we can all create a wonderful environment for our kids if we really want to. It doesn’t take too much effort but it does take compromise and a few changes to your behavior. Here are just a few suggestions:
Look After Yourself As Much As You Look After Them
If your kids have parents that aren’t in the best place, then they’re not going to get the best possible care. You have to make sure you’re as stress-free as possible because that will ensure you raise your kids properly. You can’t pour from an empty jug, so make sure you and your partner are more than fit for purpose.
“The best way to make children good is to make them happy.”
Oscar wilde
Don’t Ever Feel Like You Have To Do EVERYTHING
Of course, you’ll have to take plenty of responsibility as you are the caregiver. There will be times when you simply just cannot do much more than you already are. You might be physically and mentally worn out. It is okay to look up the likes of daycare services and nannies. Of course, you’ll have to be at your best if you want happy kids, so don’t burn yourself out trying to be the best parent around.
Keep The Home In The Right Condition

You don’t have to live in a palace, but do what you can to make the home a wonderful place. If they live in a place that they have no respect for, then it’s going to take a huge toll on how they behave when they’re older. Make sure you can be proud of your family home.
Watch Out For The Kids They Spend Their Time With
It’s amazing just how much your environment can impact you. When it comes to your kids’ behaviors, decisions, and outlooks, the kids they hang around with can drastically impact them. Make sure they have friends with good attitudes and who want the best for them.

Promote Positivity In Life As Much As You Can
If you have a positive mindset in this life, the chances are that you’ll have a good one. If you can then project that kind of attitude onto those you love, the happiness can be compounded. They’ll grow up with smiles on their faces and they’ll go into every instance thinking about what they can achieve. There will be less fear and fewer butterflies whenever they do anything worthwhile, too. It can be quite a difficult thing to do if you’re quite a negative person, but it’s worth it. Just practice being grateful over some of the most mundane things, to begin with. It’s amazing how much it can shift your mindset.