MCT oil has become increasingly popular in the health and wellness industry, specifically for those on the ketogenic diet. But the benefits of the oil can be had by more than just those focusing on a high-fat, low-carb diet.

This versatile oil has some impressive benefits, and you can easily add it to your favorite snacks and meals.
The Many Benefits of MCT Oil
You may be thinking to yourself, what is MCT oil good for? Aside from aiding those on the keto diet, the oil can also give you an energy boost, improve mental clarity, and help maintain a healthy gut microbiome.
Because MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides) are relatively small compared to LCTs (long-chain triglycerides), your body can break these fats down much faster. The result is a quick boost of energy and improved focus. Since your body can break down MCT oil quickly, using this oil in the morning is an excellent way to start off your day.
Also, compared to many other health supplements, MCT oil is surprisingly versatile. Using this oil in almost any recipe is practically effortless because the oil has no odor or flavor. MCT oil also never solidifies, so you can refrigerate it and not worry about having to melt it to add to anything.
Because of MCT oil’s utility in the kitchen, there are various easy ways to add it to your diet:
Stovetop Cooking
MCT oils have a smoke point of about 320 degrees Fahrenheit, so it’s vital to be mindful of the temperature when using MCT oil for cooking. That being said, using MCT oil in place of olive oil or other conventional oils is a great way to get all the added benefits of MCT oil into your diet.
You can use MCT oil to saute vegetables, fry foods, and anything else you would add oil to when cooking on the stove. Choosing to use MCT oil in place of other oils ensures you’re taking in fewer LCTs and can help you with your overall weight loss goals.
Drizzled On Top
One of the fastest, easiest, and most beneficial ways to use MCT oil is simply to drizzle the oil on top of your food. Because MCT oil is odorless and flavorless, you’ll hardly notice the oil.
MCT oils work great over sauteed vegetables, salads, meat, and fruit. So if you’ve been slacking on your MCT intake or have a hard time figuring out when to use it, drizzle a bit of MCT oil over your next meal to get your daily dose.
Blended In
When blending beverages, dressings, and more, MCT oil makes an easy addition. From making smoothies, your morning coffee, salad dressings, dips, or sauces, it’s easy to blend in MCT oil to help incorporate the healthy fat into your diet.
If you are on the keto diet, one of the most popular uses of MCT oil is keto coffee. By blending coffee, the MCT oil, and grass-fed ghee, you’ll have a buttery smooth beverage that follows the keto diet rules and helps prompt ketosis.
A Substitute for Other Oils
MCT oil’s versatility is endless since you can substitute the oil in place of virtually any oil you typically use. The only caveat to remember is the lower smoke point of MCT oil—by overheating it, you can damage the chemicals that make the oil so beneficial.
So next time you go to pick up your olive, vegetable, peanut, avocado, or any other oil, consider swapping it out for MCT oil. By reducing the number of LCT fats you consume and increasing the MCTs, you’ll be helping your body burn more fat and maintain continuous energy.

MCT Oil: Good for Almost Anything
With the countless ways you can use MCT oil, its easy to see how it maintains such popularity. From your morning coffee to a decadent salad, virtually anything can serve as a vehicle for the healthy fat in MCT oil.