You know it’s about that time, don’t you? It has been slowly building all summer long – the itch to revamp, reinvent, redesign. Those of you that have been faithful followers for the past eight-plus years that I’ve been publicly blogging on the internet know that I go through my spells where I change the complete look of the blog, or change how I do things … change the focus of the blog and what have you … and for those loyal readers who have followed me along on the crazy journey that is my life – I thank you.

It has been a while since I’ve done a total revamp of the site and my affiliates and such. I want my blog to be about so much more than just day-to-day life (which I’m sure you all get bored reading about) and I want to do MORE with my blog … I want to touch the world, I want to write about causes and issues that are on my heart and in my mind … I want it to be informative yet fun, and my goal is to have over 1,000 followers by the end of 2013. I don’t want to gain followers by doing giveaways all the time … I haven’t had much success with finding sponsors willing to work with me because of my lack of followers or just not being able to connect with the *right* sponsors … but there will be those every now and again as well. I just want MORE, you know? Have you ever felt that way? That you reach a point in your life where you want to stop just living every day and really feel as though you’ve accomplished something … made an impact on the world, touched someone’s heart, made a difference in your community?
I am 45 years old and a stay-at-home mother. I’ve made mistakes in my life, I’ve done things that I’m not proud of, but I try each and every day to be a role model for my boys. Hell yes, I slip up and cuss like a sailor in front of them, yell because I’m ticked off about something that has absolutely nothing to do with them or The Man Thing … but I. AM. HUMAN. I fuck up. I make mistakes. Nobody in this world is perfect – and if they act as though they are, or that they have never done anything to another that they later regretted and felt sorry for, then they are lying out their arses.
So, with that said – stay tuned for the changes. I’m working on several different projects at the moment – most of them being contributions of my time and talents to school events and artistic venues – but hopefully, once those have been completed, the revamp of Life in a House of Testosterone will be complete and “the mad white woman” will be in full effect once again, bringing you some inspiring and thought provoking content to chuckle, cry, and flat out laugh your ass off over!