January Instagram Challenge – Day 3 – Challenge

Today’s Word is Challenge

January Instagram Challenge

The caption on this photo read, “Always set the trail, never follow the path.” Sort of profound when you think about it. How often do we start out “setting the trail” only to find that we have inadvertently begun to “follow the path” instead of staying on our own trail?

For whatever reason, that has happened to me more times than I care to admit. I have dreams, goals, aspirations for my children, for myself, for my relationship – yet someone or something always intervenes causing me to veer off my chosen path and head in a different direction. In doing so, it causes me to lose sight of what I wanted in the beginning, until I’m floundering in the dark, not knowing how to get back on the trail that I started.

So this year I am making a point of “setting my trails” in all that I want to do in the various aspects of my life and relationships and not letting anything veer me off course to make me a follower instead of a trailblazer. What will you do this year to set your trail and keep from becoming one who follows the path?

Join the January Instagram Challenge hosted by Aubrey Griffin and use hashtag #myclean2014 when you post your images. I would love it if you join us! You can add your Instagram site to the blog hop link on this post and you can follow me on Instagram too! See you there!

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