January Instagram Challenge – Day 4 – Reflection

Today’s Word is Reflection

January Instagram Challenge

January is a time of reflection for everyone. One year is ending, a new one beginning, and the brains are whirling to come up with their new year resolutions. I was going to go with that thought – reflecting on the past and planning for the future – but decided that another description was what I should talk about. Reflection of self.

So often we look in the mirror at our reflection and we pick apart all that we ‘think’ is wrong with us. What we see in our own reflection is completely different to what others see in our reflection. When I look at my reflection I see someone who is no longer beautiful, fatter than I want to be, and a failure at being the perfect wife and mother on bad days. I don’t look past the physical to see what is inside, as I do with others. When I meet others, I couldn’t care less what they look like on the outside, it is who you are inside – as a person – that matters the most. It is what I teach my children, to see the inner beauty of a person and not judge by another’s appearance.

Yet I have not been able to bring myself to see my own inner beauty on a regular basis. The outer beauty is cosmetic. The weight can be dealt with. Who am I on the inside though? My husband and children tell me that I am kind, generous, smart and funny. My friends tell me the same. So then, why do I have such a difficult time seeing that in my own reflection?

This year, I am going to focus more on my inner reflection and less on my outer reflection. It has taken me many years to get to the point where I love myself, and can therefore be loving to others in turn. It is now time to stop putting my self-worth in my outer appearance and investing more on my inner reflection. What comes to mind when you think of reflection? Leave a comment below and let us know what your thoughts are.

Join the January Instagram Challenge hosted by Aubrey Griffin and use hashtag #myclean2014 when you post your images. I would love it if you join us! You can add your Instagram site to the blog hop link on this post and you can follow me on Instagram too! See you there!

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