Today’s Word is Detox
While this might be the dictionary’s definition of detox, to me it means so many different things. It is the knowledge that family members are now clean and rid of those poisonous substances, it is my own quest to detox by eventually kicking the cigarette habit once and for all.
It also means detoxification of your life. How many times have you had poisonous people in your life that were quite literally toxic to your own health and well-being, simply because of their animosity, their negativity, their seeming hatred of everything and everyone? What about the job that you absolutely hate? You know, the one that has a boss who is out to make your life a living hell each day. The one where your co-workers stab you in the back every opportunity they can?
The start of a new year is a time to take stock of your life and “detox” in all areas. What are you planning to do to detox your life in 2014?
Join the January Instagram Challenge hosted by Aubrey Griffin and use hashtag #myclean2014 when you post your images. I would love it if you join us! You can add your Instagram site to the blog hop link on this post and you can follow me on Instagram too! See you there!
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