Just Say No! 7 Types of Food You Should Never Give Your Dog
Despite your dog looking up at you with pleading eyes and an outstretched paw, there are some foods you need to say ‘no’ to when it comes to feeding them. As you probably know, they will eat next to anything, so as the diligent dog owner, it is your duty to protect them from any foods that are going to cause them harm. Here are just a few of the foods that are dangerous to your canine companion’s health.
Bad Food #1: Chocolate
You probably love chocolate, and your dog will too. However, this delicious sweet stuff has one ingredient that may not be harmful to humans, but it is toxic to your dog. Theobromine. Found in all types of chocolate, as well as some other food products, this dangerous substance can cause severe stomach upset in your dog, as well as heart problems, seizures, and even death. There are dog treats on the market that can satisfy your dog’s chocolate cravings, so never ever think about sharing a piece of your own chocolate with your wonderful pet.
Bad Food #2: Salty foods
Too much salt is bad for any of us, so in the same way you (hopefully) cut down on overly salty foods yourself, continue the same healthy practice with your animal. Foods to avoid giving your dog include pasta, popcorn, bread and pizza. While these aren’t normal dog foods, you may be tempted to let your dog eat morsels of these from your own plate. Too much salt can cause your dog to suffer from dehydration, vomiting and diarrhea, and as with many of the other types of food on this list, can also prove to be fatal.
Bad Food #3: Unprepared raw meats
On the one hand, a raw meat diet can be good for your dog. It can promote healthier skin and fur, as well as improve your dog’s digestion. However, you need to be careful. Raw foods can contain parasites and bacteria that are harmful to your animal, so you shouldn’t purchase something from your local butcher, or allow your dog to eat roadkill without some preparation first. Research this yourself, looking into how risks can be minimised, and consider rawdog dehydrated dog food to allow your dog the benefits of raw food, with none of the dangers prevalent to your dog’s health.
Bad Food #4: Fatty meats
What you do with your diet is up to you. If you want to eat hot dogs (not your beloved canine companion), bacon, ham and the like, that’s fine, provided you understand the health risks to yourself. Too much of a good thing can be bad for your diet, but even a little can hurt your dog. Fatty meats are going to pile on the pounds, and they can also lead to stomach problems, such as pancreatitis and severe bloating. So, while you’re enjoying your barbecues this summer, ensure none of your guests throw your dog any meats that are going to cause terrible harm.
Bad Food #5: Garlic (and any foods containing it)
Vampires may stay away from your dog, as will you if pooch has garlicky breath, but this pungent food is bad news for your pet. Small doses may not cause too much harm, but garlic is poisonous in larger doses, and can cause vomiting, excessive drooling, lethargy, and abdominal pain. It can also destroy your dog’s red blood cells, leading on to anemia. Our advice: you can repel vampires and others with your own garlicky breath, but keep this toxic food away from your animal.
Bad Food #6: Dairy products
Here’s an interesting fact you may not have been aware of. Many dogs are lactose intolerant. So, like their human counterparts, they are unable to process anything made from cow’s milk, including milk (of course), cheese, yogurt, and unfortunately for your hot dog (not the sausage in a bun), ice cream! Dairy can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, and pancreatitis. Not having to share your ice cream is good news for you, but if any melts onto the floor, ensure your dog stays well away from this harmful delight.
Bad Food #7: Sugary foods
We have already mentioned chocolate, but the same applies to any food that is high in this sweet substance. You shouldn’t even sweeten up your dog with a sweetener! Many sweet foods contain xylitol (don’t ask us how to pronounce it), and this can lead to a drop in blood sugar, liver failure, seizures, and sadly, death. Thankfully for your dog, there are sweet products that are safe to eat, so treat them with the alternatives, and keep the chew bars and gummy bears to yourself.
Are there any other food products we should have mentioned? Be sure you let us know, so we can all keep our canine companions fit, healthy, and bouncing around us for longer. Thanks for reading.