The coronavirus has hit the US in ways no one ever imagined it would. Every day the number of infected and deceased victims multiplies. Hospitals are ill-prepared and ill-equipped, businesses everywhere have closed their doors and laid off thousands of employees in the process, most of the nation’s public and private schools have closed, and states across the country are ordering people to stay indoors.
Psychologically, this is a lot to deal with. Not to mention, too much time indoors can cause adverse physical and emotional problems. Medical experts are truly concerned that this outbreak can cause an influx of addiction and mental illness across the country. While you may not be able to control the outcome of the coronavirus, it is important to control what you can – like your mental health.
Keeping your sanity with all that’s going on may seem impossible, but there are solutions that prove very effective in helping you achieve mental balance during these crazy times.
Limit Media Exposure

It’s good to be informed about what’s going on, but watching too much of the news or reading certain media platforms can cause anxiety and depression. Therefore, you want to limit how much you watch coronavirus content. Try to limit it to once a day perhaps in the mornings or afternoons.
Unplug From Social Media
Social media might be a great tool to connect with loved ones during this pandemic, but, some of the content can harm your mental health. Social media users often post news reports and give live updates about their personal circumstances which can again cause panic, fear, anxiety, or depression. Use social media only for positivity and unplug the rest of the day to maintain your sanity.
Avoid Drugs, Alcohol, and Prescription Meds
When you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by the many changes you’ve had to make in the past few weeks, it is important that you avoid self-medicating. Abusing drugs, alcohol, or prescription medications isn’t an effective solution. If you’re self-medicating or simply feeling emotionally overwhelmed, get help. Whether you go to rehab for ibogaine treatment or talk to a therapist, it can save your life. You can do some online research to find out more about how does treatment with ibogaine work and which therapy experts offer online counseling sessions to remain safe during the outbreak.
Get Outdoors

You may not be able to congregate in public places or travel this spring, but that doesn’t mean you’re trapped in your house. Getting outdoors is encouraged for improved physical and mental health. The fresh air and sunlight help to improve mood and boost your immune system. Utilize your backyard or front porch to spend some time in nature.
Learn Something New
Get your mind off of all that’s going on by filling it with new things. Is there something you’ve always wanted to learn how to do? Well, now you have plenty of time to do it. You can turn on a cooking show and follow along and prepare a delicious meal for your family. You can learn a new language, take some personal finance courses, or even go back to school through online learning.
Spend Quality Time with Family
Now is the perfect time to strengthen your family unit at home. Instead of wasting the days away separated in different rooms confined to a screen, spend quality time with the ones you love. You can have a family movie or game night, have a backyard barbecue, play make-believe with your kids, or just sit around and talk.
Distraction-Free Zone
For those who have been fortunate enough to retain their jobs and can work from home, you know how important it is to keep the kids occupied while you do conference call after conference call. You definitely don’t want your offspring streaking behind you wearing nothing but their birthday suit when you’re on a conference call with the boss.
Amazon swoops in to save the day and has made a selection of kids and family content available free to watch on Prime Video for all Amazon customers. There are kid-friendly favorites such as Pete the Cat, Jessy and Nessy, Just Add Magic, Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood, Arthur, and Caillou.
Looking for a family-friendly movie for your movie night? Prime Video free movies include Scooby-Doo, The Smurfs, All Dogs Go To Heaven, and Kangaroo Jack.
Find Ways to Relax
There is no doubt going to be times when your emotions are going to run high during the pandemic. The important thing when this happens is to find ways to calm your nerves. There are plenty of self-soothing techniques that can relax your mind and body. You can take a nap, go for a walk, read a book, write in a journal, call up a friend or family member, get a massage, take a bath, or do something that makes you smile.

With the amount of fear and uncertainty going on today, it is bound to have a negative impact on your mental well-being. To prevent developing a common mental illness and/or to reduce triggering an existing mental condition, utilize the steps above to maintain your sanity. Also, if you’re experiencing extreme emotional overwhelm or have begun self-medicating, don’t forget to rely on healthcare professionals like therapists and rehab facilities to get you through.

It is certainly tough! I hope you are doing well with all this craziness.
I am doing my best. My husband was on quarantine for 2 weeks because he had bronchitis and they were afraid he would be even more susceptible to contracting the coronavirus so um yeah – that was fun LOL! I’m missing out on my brand new granddaughter, but thankful that nobody in our immediate or extended family has gotten ill. Got to look for the silver lining always!
I know..My guy is a so called essential business owner so he is in this mess everyday and I am so worried. Congrats on your new grand daughter! Hopefully you will get to cuddle her very soon 🙂