The baby’s grown and it’s ME time now! Well, she’s not fully grown (we’ve recently celebrated her second birthday) and it’s not a ME time all over but at least I can find some time to squeeze an occasional massage, workout and drinks with friends… and date nights with my hubby (frankly, I am the happiest about those)!
Us parents have an immense amount of love for our little ones, no doubt there. Sometimes, I just look at her and I want to cry how precious she is! But, speaking frankly… this whole parenting thing isn’t easy and neither is getting back in shape.
Approximately six months ago, I looked myself in the mirror fully naked and thought “wow, you used to be a knock-out, what happened!” and I almost cried. My breasts were far more south than they’d normally be, my hips were wider with stretch marks gracing them (obviously), and cellulite everywhere! But you know what, I’ve decided I wouldn’t let that get me down and I took matters into my own hands. I starting doing everything possible to get back in shape!
Admittedly, that stuff wasn’t (and isn’t) easy at all! It took me three months in the gym to get remotely good results, I was on the verge of fainting for the first few weeks with my diet change (I switched to more veggies and fruits, lean meats, plenty of water – practically, I went back to my old diet) and getting my social calendar back on track really were kicks I had to be strong to endure. But, ladies – if I could do it (and am still doing it), everyone can! After a long time, I started gaining my confidence back and it felt freaking amazing!
There was one other thing I did for myself that’s turned me into a whole new, strong and confident person… but before I tell you, promise not to judge! Anyhow, I’ve had a breast lift. Yep, you’ve read it well! When I first started considering it, I consulted with my hubby and he was all for it so I took a dive and started doing some digging.

After doing thorough research, I was recommended to the International Centre of Cosmetic Medicine guys, as they are the most reliable and best in the business. I was, naturally, initially very concerned whether there are any risk factors, whether I was a good candidate, how much time will the recovery take, if I am the right age, and all other concerns that arise once you start considering any type of surgery. But, as I was told by the doctors at ICCM on my first appointment – women of all ages can undergo breast lift surgery, with breast lift surgery also correcting issues of breast asymmetry and making your breasts feel firmer, higher, and more youthful-looking. Every single step and factor is being included in the pre-op consultations and monitoring with the chosen surgeon.
It’s been a few months since I’ve done the breast lift. My breasts are now settling into a more natural shape and incision lines are beginning to fade. Girls, I’ve never felt better about my body, honestly! I know how you are probably thinking this can’t be healthy or whatever, but I am all for encoring myself and people I love to do what makes them feel good, as long as it’s in the rhyme of reason. Why let a piece of insecurity (and an absolutely fixable one) ruin your confidence, right? Right.
Being a parent doesn’t mean losing yourself. Be the best person you can be, and keep building yourself up – both inside and out. I know I don’t physically know any of you but I feel we are already friends… so, my dear hot mamas, you’ve got my support!
Many thanks to our contributing mama for sharing her story!