I have always supported the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community and I am proud to show my support today for National Coming Out Day. October 11th is the anniversary of the second march on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights, which took place in 1987 (two years after I graduated from high school). Over half a million people participated in six days of demonstrations and activities.

I have LGBTQ+ friends and family members – and knowing the struggles they go through day-to-day just to be their authentic selves is heartbreaking. There are many teenagers online who post that their mothers and fathers don’t support them, kick them out, ridicule them. I say to each of them – I will be your mom, I will help you navigate thru this world to reach a point where you can be your authentic self and surround yourself with people who will love and respect you as you deserve.
National Coming Out Day is celebrated in the United States, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Show your support and participate in a local event, post a Facebook status, or wear a classic gay pride symbol on Thursday, October 11th.