One Day Only: Cyber Monday Savings Event at Walmart

Be sure to check out the over 400 products available during the one day only Cyber Monday Savings Event at! Check out some of these featured deals!


Electronics and Gadgets:

HMDX Bluetooth Headphones for $19.99 
HP Deskjet 1512 Inkjet All-in-One Printer for $25 
SCEPTRE LED 32″ 720P HDTV for $149 
$40 off GoPro HERO3+ Silver Edition Action Camcorder (with gift card) 


Girls’ & Boys’ Approved Schoolwear Polos $3.97 
Girls’ & Boys’ 7-piece Uniform Bundle for $40 
Licensed Backpacks & Tote Bags like My Little Pony and Monsters for $5  

School Supplies:

Crayola Classic Color Pack Crayons, 120 count for $5.97
Elmer’s Washable School Glue, 4fl oz for 50 cents 
Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator for $99.97 

Dorm Essentials:

Quirky Pivot Power PoP Jr. Flexible Surge Protector for $9.87 
5pc bed in a bag just $39 
Magic Chef microwave for $49 

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