Problems can develop in your home seemingly without reason. One day you wake up to find the toilet isn’t working or the handle is falling off the front door. As the wife of a maintenance supervisor, I hear about these problems every day!
Fortunately, you can resolve most of the issues you have around your home with quick DIY fixes so you don’t need a maintenance guy like my husband. Shhh though – don’t tell him I’m sharing these DIY fixes!
Running Toilets
Have you woken up to find your toilet running incessantly? If so, you might have a problem with your rubber flapper.
The flapper is a component that stops the water in the tank from leaking into the bowl as it fills up. If it is broken or leaking somehow, water will continue to pour, even if you’re not touching the handle.
Stopping this usually requires replacing the flapper – something you can buy from your local hardware store.
Picture Holes
Is there anything more annoying than picture holes? Probably not. Fortunately, you can deal with these eyesores in just a few minutes with some putty and a putty knife.
The technique is easy. Put some of the putty or spackling on your finger and push it into the hole. Wipe off any excess with the knife and then leave it to dry. People have also said using white toothpaste works, but it doesn’t last like putty or spackling will.
Once you’re sure it won’t smear, smooth it over with some sandpaper or a sand sponge. Then go to the paint store and paint over the treated area.
Please make sure that the putty is truly flush to the wall. If it isn’t, then it will show up through the paint.
Condensation Between Glass Panels
Sometimes you’ll notice condensation forming between glass panels. Unfortunately, there isn’t a great deal you can do about this as a homeowner. It suggests that moisture has been able to get into the window’s interior and is now condensing since temperatures have fallen.
Renewal by Anderson is a window replacement company. According to their website, this condensation issue is relatively common. Usually, your only option is to replace the entire unit if there is a problem with the seal, but the current advice is to speak with professionals first. Sometimes, there are solutions.
Lock Sticking
I absolutely hate it when this happens! It’s fairly common in older doors where sometimes the locks will stop turning as well as they once did, usually because of corrosion of their metal internals.
If you notice your key sticking as you try to turn it in the lock, then try spraying it with a light, lubricating oil, such as WD-40. Point the nozzle in the keyhole itself to cover as many of the internal components as you can.
If that’s not effective or you’re worried about dirt accumulating, you can also try sprinkling the lock with powdered graphite. Individual shards of the material provide a slippery surface that makes it easier for the mechanism to move.
Please note that you can’t resolve all sticky locks using this method. Sometimes the lock is stuck because of mechanical damage affecting either the lock unit or the housing. In cases like this, your only option is to replace the lock wholesale.
Gutter Run-off Issues
The whole point of gutters is to channel water away from your home’s foundations, keeping the building dry.
Unfortunately, you can start experiencing gutter run-off issues if you have a blockage or are the victim of a subpar installation.
Check to see where your gutter run-off goes. Ideally, it should go to a drain or a tank. If it just runs out onto the floor, you’ve got a couple of options. Either you can divert it to a drain or extend the pipe so that water travels away from your property.
The simplest solution is to get a length of flexible corrugated drain pipe and hook it onto your existing guttering. It takes around five minutes, and once you install it, you can leave it for many years before it requires maintenance.
Sticky Windows

Okay, what about if your windows start sticking? What should you do then?
The first thing to do is attempt to uncover the culprit. More often than not, it is overzealous paintwork. Somebody slathered it on too thick!
Take your putty knife and tap it around the edge of the closed window using a hammer. The wedge action should disrupt the bond between the paint, loosening it up.
If the window is still stuck, try using a pry bar at the opening to move it. Don’t lever too hard as this may damage the window frame and the glass.
Low-Pressure Faucet
Low-pressure faucets usually arise from dirty end caps. Simply unscrewing this component and replacing it with a new one can solve this problem.
There are a multitude of end caps available on Amazon; however, if you are unsure what type you need, it’s best to head to your local hardware store and have them take a look at your end cap.