Looking back at your year is a great thing to do, especially as we are soon welcoming another. Time flies! No matter how quickly the weeks and years fly past us though, there is always a time for reflection, and a time to be grateful for little moments of gratitude from family and friends, sometimes a perfect stranger. One of the best ways to show your gratitude is by giving back to others. So many opportunities are available to give a helping hand, even when we don’t realize it. The smallest of gestures can have a huge impact on another person: helping someone to cook a meal, donating clothing or toys, paying for the coffee order for the person behind you. So many remember these small gestures, the kindness that they felt on a day when it may have been needed the most. More kindness in our world is so needed and it is so easy to do.
Because kindness should be practiced every day, Shari’s Berries created a random acts of kindness generator. It has 50+ ideas to inspire your next thoughtful gesture. Remember in every day and in every situation, there is an opportunity to show your kindness!
If you need more ideas to help you practice a random act of kindness throughout the year, there are more great ideas on the Random Acts of Kindness website. Take a moment to share your gratitude with another today. The gift you give, and the one you receive in return, will be priceless.