Have you recently begun to feel a little down? Do you no longer love who you are or how you look? The fact is that we all go through periods like these where we lose our way and have a small dip in confidence. Do you hate feeling like you’re not the same person you once were? Don’t worry; you aren’t alone. Did you know that 80% of parents feel the same way? Personally speaking, I’ve been feeling that way for the past 18 years!
The fact is that parenthood can take its toll on your wellness and have a huge impact on how you feel about yourself as a person. It’s important to remember that you aren’t just a parent, you are also a person, and you need to take care of yourself as well as looking after your family.
To get yourself back on track and to start feeling good about who you are, you need to address the reasons for your dip in confidence. Below is a guide to some of the reasons why you may have lost your ‘mojo,’ along with some tips and advice on how you can get it back. Take these on board, and you will soon be feeling fabulous again.

You’ve stopped thinking about style
Even the most fashion conscious woman before having children can lose their sense of style after becoming a parent. The fact is that parenthood is hard work, which is why it is far too easy to stop focusing on style and instead pull on whatever is easiest. However, while this might be a practical option, it won’t make you feel good.
When you dress to impress in a stylish way, you feel good about yourself. Because when you look good (and know that you do), you feel good. However, if you dress in more practical items that don’t make you feel good, like leggings and oversized jumpers or jeans and basic t-shirts, it is going to have an impact on your confidence. That’s why it is essential to take style seriously and make an effort to wear outfits that make you feel good. Trust me; your confidence will thank you for it.
You don’t take proper care of yourself
When time is not on your side and parenthood takes up most of each day, it can be hard to make time for yourself. However, the fact is that if you want to feel good about yourself, you need to take care of yourself. Otherwise, you may end up damaging your emotional health and wellness.
Set aside time each week to do the things that need doing. These should include getting your hair cut, and coloured is necessary, having your nails done – if this is something that you find makes you feel good, seeing a dentist or cosmetic dentist twice a year to ensure that your teeth stay healthy. It’s easy to skip these things when life gets busy, but the fact is that it is only yourself and your confidence that you are hurting. You will be so much happier and more content with who you are if you make time to take care of yourself.
You don’t make time for yourself
Just because you are a parent now, that doesn’t mean that you can’t make time for yourself. The fact is that if you want to take care of your emotional well-being, it is important that you set aside some time for yourself each week. Whether it’s to meet the girls for a coffee and a catch-up, to take a relaxing yoga or pilates class, or to spend an hour having a massage at your local spa, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you make an effort to make time for yourself.
You might be a mother now, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t deserve a break every now and then because the truth is that you do. If you give yourself the rest that you need, you will find that you feel much happier because you are less stressed. That’s why taking time out to take care of yourself, and your needs is so important. Prioritise your time out each week, to ensure that you are able to have a couple of hours every few days to yourself.
If you are feeling like you’ve lost your mojo, the chances are that you need to start taking better care of yourself. Believe it or not, by taking note of the tips above and implementing them in your life, you can give your happiness and emotional wellness a boost.