Friends – I’m asking for your help. There are approximately 8,000 toys out there still in need of a home before Christmas. 4,000 need to be purchased so the other 4,000 can be donated to one of the 35 charities that Stickman Stew and a bunch of my blogging friends have partnered with this year. Look at the faces of those little ones from Vogel Alcove in Dallas playing with their new toys.
How could you NOT want to help spread those smiles across the United States this year? All you need to do is purchase a Stickman Stew toy and another will be donated. There are 4 different toys in all – and they are all between $7 to $10 each.
If you place your order by Friday, December 19th, delivery can still be made in time for Christmas this year. Please consider buying one (or all four) for your children so that the others can be donated to children who may otherwise receive nothing for Christmas. Help us spread the#SpiritofChristmas with Stickman Stew this year!
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While Stickman Stew is no longer available at this time – please remember to give to those less fortunate.
A donation of your time or talents at the local women’s shelter will make all the difference to these women and children going through a difficult time. Depending on their circumstances – they may not be in a position to be able to have Christmas for their children this year – and your help would mean so very much to them. The gift of a stocking filled with candy and a few little toys and trinkets (for girls or boys), a gently used coat, a gift of some common toiletries that most of us take for granted are all things that these women would greatly appreciate. Having been in a women’s shelter myself, small things like shampoo, deodorant, baby powder – these are items that get overlooked but are almost always needed the most.
If you can, help serve a meal at your local homeless shelter. My family and I had the privilege of serving the men in Reading, PA several years ago and it is a holiday tradition that we hold dear to our hearts.
Tis the season of giving – of yourself, your heart, your time, your talent. Merry Christmas to each of you!
I Believe that We Sometimes Get Lost & Forget About What Christmas is All About; It’s About Giving to Those Less Fortunate & About Spreading Love & Good Cheer! I Feel Horrible b/c I Was in a Bad Motorcycle Wreck and I Hurt My Neck & Back and I’m Not Currently Able to Work So I Can’t Give as Much as I Would Like! One Year I went to Dollar General and Bought a Bunch of Stockings and Filled Them with Toys & Socks and All Kind of Things for Boys & Girls and it Made Me Feel So Good to Make the Day of a Little Boy or Girl! It’s Sad that They Would Be Happy with Something Under $20 but Some Kids Get Hundreds of Dollars of Presents at Christmas! It Just Makes Me Feel Sad that I Can’t Do More but I Always Tried to Instill the Qualities of Giving to Those Less Fortunate & Being Kind to Others in My Nieces & Nephews! Well Thanks So Much for Sharing & I Hope it Will Convince People to Give from Their Hearts to Those that Have Little! Have a Blessed Day!
Thank you for your comment Jana, and I agree with you. There are children out there who get absolutely nothing under the tree from Santa and, no matter how little I might have in any given year, I always try to donate to the Salvation Army or to Toys for Tots to make sure that some deserving little boy or girl is not forgotten. There have been years when my kids have only had one or two presents under the tree, but I hope that I have instilled in them that it isn’t about what you receive but what you give – both of yourself and your time – during the holidays. Objects are just that …. I would much rather spend my time helping out at a homeless shelter for the evening than receiving a gift that I will never wear or never use that just sits and collects dust. To me – that is the true meaning of Christmas.
I think it is great you all are doing this, I wish I could afford to do this. I use to do so much and now can't. I still do stuff for the animal shelters, and homeless pets, as that is a huge passion of mine. I was a teacher so I understand the need for toys as well, I just can't afford it this year, but thank you for all you do.
I’m so sorry I did not see your comment previously Cyndi!!! Please know that your contributions to those dear homeless pets and assistance at the animal shelters is much needed and so dearly appreciated – especially from this animal lover!!! As I stated to Jana – it isn’t about WHAT you give, but if you give of yourself and your time – then you are embracing the true meaning of the season and that’s what life is all about!!! I hope that you have been able to continue supporting your local animal shelters and helping out with the homeless pets!!! Have a very blessed Christmas!!
I love these and there affordable and would make a great Christmas gift. There's still time for us to get them out, yay!
Stickman Stew and the Gold Heart Crew
are so lucky to have a friend like You!
Awh, thank you, Jack! I just wish that I was in a position to do more. If I could, I'd buy the remaining 4,000 toys just so that the other 4,000 could be sent out to the kids that so dearly deserve a little love Christmas morning. Breaks my heart thinking that there are children who won't have even one little present to open and play with.