This week on our Spiritual Sunday feature, I’d like to talk to you about uplifting others – even when you don’t agree with them. This topic comes about from the controversy surrounding the new film, American Blogger. I wrote a post about it yesterday, and I wanted to continue the discussion today.
If you knew you could not fail, what would you do?
Chris Wiegand went out on a limb when making this movie, financially and emotionally. What began as an idea as far back as 2012, was suddenly becoming a reality in 2013. He spent 48 days on the road, traveled 40 states I believe, and left his wife and two small children to make a dream a reality.
I admire Chris for what he did. If I knew that I could not fail, there are so many things that I would do! He’s been an inspiration of sorts to me to just go for it, live my dreams, discover my passions, dig deep into what makes me feel alive!
The Blogging Community
We are a tight-knit community. We share our lives with the world. That makes us vulnerable. We are offering glimpses, “a visual snapshot of this time in history” as Chris put it, to share with future generations, with our own children. When we feel as though our hard work goes unnoticed and is unappreciated, we talk about it with our friends, our blogging circles, to work through these issues and figure out an answer that will help all of us.
“and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more, as you see the day drawing near.” –Hebrews 10:24-25
I am ashamed at the backlash that Chris has received from other bloggers. Those who do not feel they were represented in the film. Those that feel he only showed “caucasian, skinny, blonde, twee Pinterest-loving mommy bloggers” in his film. This is only the beginning, and had anyone taken the time to read his wife’s post over on The Wiegands, they would know this. If you wish to be interviewed for more upcoming movies about the American Blogger – there is a place right here to send an email to ask for an interview.
He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will suffer harm. –Proverbs 13:20
Do You Have Positive or Negative People in Your Circle of Friends?
This is not how the bloggers I associate with act. Perhaps I’ve just been lucky to fall in with the “right crowd” but the bloggers that I know and consider friends are extremely helpful, kind, generous with their time, and go out of their way to help and to offer advice to other bloggers.
That is their motto – to encourage and build up others – just as they have had done for them. I believe the negative comments surrounding the film are born out of bitterness and jealousy. Do I earn a five or six-figure income from blogging? Of course not. Some months I am lucky if I earn $10.00. I don’t do it for the money, I do it because it is something that I love doing. Have I been featured on morning talk shows or nationally syndicated talk shows? No, but it’s a dream of mine. Am I bitter? No. Am I jealous? Yes, just a wee bit – but I am happy for those that succeed! Why? Simply because it shows me that it CAN be done, and I CAN be in that position one day too.
“Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.” –Ephesians 4:31-32
I am thrilled when I read a blogger success story! It inspires me, It gives me hope for the future, it shows me that it CAN be done. Speaking negatively about another’s success is just the epitomy of jealousy to me.
Begin Making a Change Today
So today I ask you to lay your bitterness aside, lay your jealous thoughts aside and become more Christ-like in our dealings and comments with others. Uplifting another person – even when you do not agree with them – is enlightening for your soul. If you try to find the good in every thing that touches your life, it changes your entire outlook. Do not be bitter and jealous, those are just emotions that the Devil uses to break your resolve and your spirit.
Have a blessed Sunday and I wish you all love, peace, and harmony.