While a small number of women aren’t bothered about becoming parents, there are many women who are desperate to become mothers. While a lot of couples who try to conceive do so easily within the first few months of trying, for other couples’ life isn’t that easy and getting pregnant is more of a struggle. The fact is that not everyone is able to get pregnant as quickly as other people, which can cause all kinds of worries and concerns, but what it’s important to remember is to stay calm.
Did you know that sometimes couples can struggle to get pregnant for no reason at all apart from stress? Or that sometimes it just takes longer for some people to conceive? What it’s important to remember is that just because you are finding it hard to conceive that doesn’t mean that you have fertility problems or that you will never get pregnant, and that is what it’s important to remember.
If you’re struggling to get pregnant, there are some steps that you can (and should) take – wondering what these are? Below is a guide to the steps that you should take if you’re worried about your fertility.
Stop stressing and relax
Did you know that your mental health and wellbeing can have an impact on your ability to get pregnant? This is because stress and anxiety can have a huge impact on your physical health, even if you don’t realize it. A lot of couples begin to stress when they’ve been trying for a baby for a few months and nothing has happened, which then leads to them struggling to get pregnant because stress can have a huge impact on the body, even stopping ovulation.
The best way to make getting pregnant easier is to stress and relax and make things a little more fun. Don’t worry so much, try and get back to having sex just for fun and not because you are desperate to conceive. Take a break from baby making and get back to having sex as and when you want to, and you might find that you conceive without even focusing on it.
Speak to your doctor
The next port of call is to speak to your doctor and explain the situation. It’s recommended that for couples under 35 who haven’t conceived within 12-months of trying, they make an appointment to see their doctor, while for older couples it’s recommended that a doctor is seen after six-months of trying to conceive.
Your doctor will most probably want to run some tests to check you and your partner over and to determine if there’s a cause to the issues that you’re having. If a condition is found, such as low sperm count or polycystic ovaries, then treatment might be suggested. If nothing is found to be the issue, then the doctor may recommend that you try certain supplements to help boost yours’ and your partner’s fertility.
Consider your options
It’s important that if after continuing to try and get pregnant you still can’t do so, that you know what your options are. If your doctor is unable to treat the issue causing your fertility problems, then you need to think about what options you have left, such as IVF, artificial insemination, seeking a sperm donor or surrogate mother, and adoption. You need to consider what your options are, so that you can plan for the future.
You might not want to think about the fact that you may not be able to conceive yourself, but if you want to have a family of your own, then you need to have a plan of action in place. Life sometimes throws you a curveball, and when that happens you need to know how to deal with the situation at hand, such as having problems with fertility. Having a plan in place that outlines the steps that you should take and what your options are can be extremely helpful, which is why you need to take time to consider what these options are.
Struggling to get pregnant can be terrifying, as it can mean that you have no idea if you will ever be able to conceive. However, it’s important not to panic, because if you panic about the situation at hand, it will make it far worse. That’s why you need to know what steps you can take if you are struggling to conceive – it might not be easy facing the reality that you may not be able to get pregnant, but it’s something that you need to do if you are going to work out what to do next and how to move forward from the position that you are in.