#StickmanStew #GivingTuesday Twitter Party Today at 12PM EST

Join us today on your lunch break to celebrate #GivingTuesday for a #StickmanStew Twitter Party as we discuss how Stickman Stew and the Gold Heart Crew are working with mom bloggers across the United States to bring joy to non-profit organizations and children this holiday season and find out how you can be a part of this movement.

Giving Tuesday

#GivingTuesday is a global day dedicated to giving back. On the first Tuesday following Thanksgiving every year, charities, families, businesses, community centers, and students around the world come together for one common purpose – to celebrate generosity and to give.

It’s a simple idea. Just find a way for your family, your community, your company or your organization to come together to give something more. Then tell everyone you can about how you are giving. Join us and be a part of a global celebration of a new tradition of generosity.

Stickman Stew and The Gold Heart Crew

Stickman Stew and The Gold Heart Crew believe that no child should go without a gift Christmas morning. Due to circumstances beyond their control; however, this is a reality that a lot of children face each year. Stickman Stew has partnered with over 30 non-profit organizations and mom/dad bloggers across America to make sure that we can spread some Christmas JOY this year to children in need.

Join us this afternoon for our #StickmanStew Twitter Party at 12PM EST and find out how just $10 can enable you to embrace the spirit of #GivingTuesday and bring joy to a child’s face Christmas morning.

You can RSVP in the comments section of this post and then join us on Twitter by following #StickmanStew or join our dedicated room in TweetChat here.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Merry Christmas from Kim and The Boys at Life in a House of Testosterone

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