Home Advice 10 Attic Secrets You Never Knew – The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly! 12/09/2022 Kimberly Miller Ever wonder what attic secrets you might find? Here’s the good, the bad, and the ugly of what you may find in the depths of your attic.
Home Advice Old Things In Your Attic That Could Be Worth a Lot of Money! 11/17/2022 Kimberly Miller If you are looking for ways to make some extra money with the holidays approaching, you may not need to look any further than your attic!
What Goes Bump In The Night? Strange Home Noises You Can’t Ignore 03/27/2019 Kimberly Miller Noises can be subtle or they can make you jump from your bed. Here’s how to identify those strange bumps in the night in your home and what to do to correct them.