Have Bike Will Travel
Have Bike Will Travel … setting goals, dreaming big, and watching it all come together with hard work and dedication.
family, food, travel, health, grandkids & more
Have Bike Will Travel … setting goals, dreaming big, and watching it all come together with hard work and dedication.
We, as women, try to juggle all of life’s demands for our families. We wear multiple hats every day, but when is it time to stop juggling and start breathing?
I have been on social media from what feels like the very beginning of time. I’ve seen websites and browsers…
A birthday letter to dad to commemorate what would have been his 67th birthday today. I love you dad. Party hard today, party hard.
I am super excited to be able to unveil our beautiful new design courtesy of The Posh Box Web and…
I have several causes that I am passionate about, and I’m one of those bloggers who watches what our government…
I’m going to be quiet the next few days because I am devoting all of my time and my attention…
This week on our Spiritual Sunday feature, I’d like to talk to you about uplifting others – even when you…
The American Blogger Controversy. Have you heard about it? Perhaps its because I’ve had a sucky week and haven’t been…
When I first started blogging almost 10 years ago, I did it for one simple reason – to just “get…
There are those times when you get a wild hair up your arse and decide to cut out all social media. And then don’t.
It has been a very busy weekend here at Life in a House of Testosterone – well for this estrogen…
We’ve all had them before. The friend or neighbor or relative who drops by “for a few minutes” and is still…
I have been blogging since April 2004. What started out as an online journal for me to vent my frustrations…
I cannot help but sit here and laugh. If somebody wrote a book about my life it would be a…
You spend too much time on the computer.Because I’m trying to earn a living to supplement your income doing what…