You know – it just SUCKS when you find out something you have used for years is being done away with simply because the company no longer wants to put the time or energy into keeping it going. Unfortunately, that’s just how the cookie crumbles when it comes to technology.
For those of you that have not heard – Google Reader will be shut down as of July 1, 2013. Yeah, I agree, it sucks. However, there IS an alternative – Bloglovin.

You can follow your favorite blogs with Bloglovin’ if they have this icon (or one similar) on their blog – including Life in a House of Testosterone. Even if you don’t see a button like this on your favorite blog – it doesn’t necessarily mean that its not listed on Bloglovin. Just go to and type in the name of your fav blog in the “search for blogs” box at the top of the page and see what you discover.
Over the next several months – I’ll be transferring my favorite blog subscriptions to bloglovin’ and hope that those of you that follow me via Google Reader will click the button above and follow me there!
Bloglovin allows you to receive the updates from your favorite sites in a simple to read format via e-mail. I've transferred all of mine over to Bloglovin (and if you cannot find a particular fav blog already there – you can add it yourself!!!) and I'll be working on all of the lovely blogging friends that I follow over the next few weeks. The marathon transfer I did yesterday just literally KILLED my back and shoulder lol!