It’s the weekend, the kids are beginning to get bored. They have done everything there is to do over summer vacation, school is looming on the horizon, and they are beginning to drive you out of your ever loving mind. So what’s a mom to do? In times of dire emergency (like when you’re ready to start yanking your own eyelashes out) grab your Mom’s Survival Kit and head off into your safe room!
These are the basics, and your survival kit can include additional items you may need, depending on the amount of time you plan to be missing in action. Gather up the items for your kit and add them to a grab-and-go caddy (the cleaning supplies can get stashed in the cupboard where nobody will see them) and keep it nearby.
When the tween/teen meltdown begins, simply whip out your duct tape, apply it to the offending child’s mouth and/or affix them to a chair, grab your caddy and head to your safe room.
Survival kits are a necessity in this day and age – for all manner of situations and experiences you may encounter. Be prepared is our motto!
Here’s to your sanity, Mothers of the World!

- The what, who, when, where, how, and why of survival kits and survival gear. (
- Wedding Day Survival Kit Checklist from Kristin Banta Events (
- A Mom’s Summer Survival Kit Must Include Daily’s Cocktails Frozen Pouches π – Review and #Giveaway: Disclo… (
- Mommy’s Survival Kit (
- Road Trip Survival Kit (
- My Turning 40 Survival Kit: A Mammogram And Self-Realization (

LkWhtMomFound Yep. I've found that lately a bottle doesn't even last an hour, let alone time enough to pour it into a glass. That's what happens when the kidlets become tweens and teens. The glass is no longer needed.
glass optional for wine HAHA love that one π
This is awesome but you forgot to add chocolate to the list – a must have in my kit! This would be a great kit to survive Thanksgiving too. So maybe you should give us one of surviving Christmas now haha. But all joking aside just in general home survival kits are more important than ever now and I have been trying to get one of those together too.