The Newest Member: Preparing Your Family For A New Dog

If you feel preparing for a baby was hard enough, imagine the stress when you have to prepare your household for a new dog! It’s one of the most exciting events for any family, but there’s a lot of planning and preparation that goes into it. So, with that in mind, what are the essentials you need to make sure that everybody is prepared?

The Right Supplies

There are so many different little things that you need. But the most important is the waste cleaning ones. Not just in terms of plastic bags or pooper scoopers, but it’s worth investing in party pads, and a lot of extra newspaper. It’s important to remember that, even if your dog is housebroken, there can be accidents from time to time. Ensure that you give them as much comfort as possible. You need them to sleep in their own beds, and when you’re thinking about how much comfort you want to give them, it depends on their history. If you are adopting a dog that may have had a history of neglect, it’s important to make them feel relaxed. Purchasing the right leash is also essential, and there are so many different types out there, from waterproof leashes to retractable ones, but what you have to remember is the leash has to hold the weight of the dog. If you’re going for a heavier breed, you need to check the tab to see how much weight the leash can cope with.

Dog Proofing The Home

The first thing to do is to go through the house from the perspective of the dog and check for issues. If you’ve had a baby before, you may have already got into the frame of mind where you are looking for hazards. A dog is much faster than a child, and it’s important at this stage to plan an inventory that keeps them safe and happy.

Preparing For Training

Dogs need routine, much like we do. Dogs that are completely free and have no routine can be ready and misbehave. It’s important that before you start the process of adopting a dog or buying one that you get some sort of routine in place so everybody in the family knows what they’re doing. It’s important for each member of the family to have a specific duty because it’s not fair on one person to do everything. For example, one member of the family may be in charge of walking, whereas others will be in charge of the preparation of the food. Once you get these essentials in place, you can start to train them so they get the most out of their abilities, as well as yourself.

A dog is one of those purchases in life that can make the entire family work together effectively. As a new dog is a lot of work, everybody needs to be on the same page. But we have to remember that a dog isn’t just a plaything; they need a lot of care and attention, not to mention love, as well as the right diet. Preparing your family for the new dog is as important as preparing the home itself.

2020 Kimberly Signature

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