First and foremost, my sincere apologies to Georgia, the author of this fabulous book, for life getting in the way of my review getting posted. I had the pleasure of reading this novel by Georgia L. Twynham over the holidays. When it was finished, I could not wait to get in touch with her to ask for the next one LOL!
Val Saunders is about to turn eighteen and have her entire world turned inside out. Her first job working in a book store for the summer is about all of the excitement she was planning on having. Val envisioned blending into the scenery, not popping in and out of locations and dealing with experiences she is not prepared for!
Val has been having vivid nightmares that are becoming all too real, and when she wakes up on the morning of her eighteenth birthday with an un-wanted tattoo that appeared overnight, along with magical powers and abilities she has no idea how to use or how she came by them – Val realizes that this is all too much for her parents to handle and she is going to have to do some sleuthing on her own and figure out what is happening to her.
Our Rating:
The Thirteenth gets 5 out of 5 stars from me. If you have even the slightest interest in alternate universes, magical worlds, traveling through space and time – you will absolutely love, love, love this book!
Special Treat:
Want to get a taste of this awesome series that will leave you wanting for more? Now through Saturday, March 16, 2013 – you can download a FREE copy of The Thirteenth by Georgia L. Twynham from the U.S. Amazon site or from the U.K. Amazon site!
Why are you still here? Go! Get it downloaded now while you have the chance!