When it comes to social media and children, most people think about the bad associated with it more than the good. While it is true that children can make bad use of social media if proper control over them is not enacted, social media sites such as twitter, Facebook and YouTube can turn out to be beneficial for mums who want to stay in touch with their kids.Working moms or mums who do not find enough time to spend around their kids can utilize social media to bond with their children despite the distance.
Staying In Touch Using Twitter
Using twitter for instance, a mum can constantly stay in touch with her children using the short 140 characters. She can tweet about where she is, what she is doing, how she misses the kids and many other nice things that will make the children feel closer to her even if she is far away. The best thing about twitter is that it is instantaneous. Using Twitter apps, a mum can tweet her kids and the kids will tweet back with instant messages at no cost. It will be perfect for conversations on the go with the children.
Staying In Touch Using Facebook
Facebook will also be a very important social media platform for mums who want to stay in touch with their kids no matter where they are. It offers a wide range of communication capabilities and tools that will make the communication between the mum and her kids interesting. For instance, kids can enjoy poking their mum while she pokes back. The mum can create a profile to post pictures of what she is doing so that the kids can see. The kids can also share photos for their mum to see. If the kids are in school or any other place, they can create events of what they are doing, and the mum can join those events to get updated on what the kids are doing. They can comment on each others’ status updates and also send each other private messages to keep in touch.
Staying In Touch Using YouTube
YouTube will allow a mum to stay touch with her kids using videos. She can record videos on what she is doing and post them on YouTube for the children to watch and leave comments. She can also create videos that just tell the kids how much she loves them and misses them. The kids can also posts videos on YouTube to express to their mum what they are doing and how much they love her and miss her. YouTube is a perfect way for a mum to stay in touch with her kids because she can show her emotions in the videos she posts and the kids will feel how truly she cares for them.

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