So, it’s almost your child’s birthday, and while this is a very exciting time for them, it can be a very stressful time for you. There is a lot of pressure that goes into planning something because you want to give your child the world and more, and yet when attempting to throw a party, there are so many things that can go wrong – and they often do. This is the first step to accept – things may not always go to plan, so embrace the chaos. Let’s face it; a children’s birthday party doesn’t exist without chaos. Even as they have gotten older, planning a birthday party for teenagers is just as chaotic as it is when they are younger!
If you’re not sure what to do, themes are a very good idea because you can follow them to a T without getting stuck for things to do. So for example, rather than trying to come up with many different fun suggestions, it can be a superhero party.
So now you have a theme, here are some other essentials that all children’s birthday parties need.
What child doesn’t like to bounce up and down repeatedly? Trampolining is so much fun because anyone can do it – it’s freeing and exhilarating, and kids love to jump around together and have a laugh. It’s very important that you make sure you select the right kind of trampoline depending on how many children are at the party, and also the level of safety that it has. You can look at sites like that fill you in on all the best trampoline brands out there. Once you have an idea of what you need, make sure you have enough space to put it, as well as a flat enough ground so it sits properly.
Having a magician at a party is probably the only time where kids will sit down and take a time out, because magic is a captivating thing that plays with the mind and creates illusions. Magic is also very inspiring because it gives children the impression that anything is possible, which is always a nice thought to invoke within them. You can have a look online for any independent magicians in your local area, or go through a professional agency, but one of the best ways would be by word of mouth, so speak to the parents beforehand and ask if they have anyone they can recommend. It may even work out cheaper that way, and you’ll know exactly what you’re getting.
You can’t throw a party without a cake. This is a fact. There has to be that moment where you turn down the lights and walk out with a delicious cake that’s glowing from the candles, singing happy birthday in unison. This is what makes the experience and it’s what your child will remember, plus it gives you the perfect time to take those photos and add them to your album. You can find tips on how to take the best photos throughout the day on You can also hand out all the presents after the cake, because everyone will be sitting down around the table and this creates a nice social setting to do this in.