J. is my eldest testosterone child – and the one with ADHD and ODD. He is as sweet as can be when he’s taking his meds and we are alone, but throw another kid into the mix and he turns into a different child. Extremely hyper, excitable, and yes, LOUD. But that’s a given, and not what I’m concerned about today.
Today I’m worried about this sudden ‘blacking out’ combined with his blurred vision. The blurred vision has been an issue since September 2012, but every time his pediatrician checks his eyesight, its perfect – 20/20 vision – and no problems that she can see with that thingamabob she uses to look behind his cornea and into the back of his eyes.
J. fell in the tub on January 6th and hit the back of his head extremely hard. When I got to him, he was laying in the bottom of the tub, his eyes were glazed looking and unfocused, and he was twitching. He came around a few seconds after I arrived. We took him to his pediatrician who gave him a thorough examination and put him through several different tests and diagnosed him with a mild to moderate concussion. He was out of school for a week because of the headaches and pain. They gradually subsided and he went back to school and resumed his daily activities as usual.
Today while in the tub, he stood up from a seated position and claims he blacked out yet again and lost his eyesight. This is NOT normal. This is scaring me. A call will be going in to his pediatrician on Thursday to let her know what happened, and a visit to the emergency room as well to have them do some x-rays and see if we cannot find out what is going on with him.
I’m “old school” in that I don’t jump at every little ache, pain and ailment that my children come to me with. Boys will be boys and they are going to get bruises, scars, bumps and scrapes. That’s a given. Me? I’m getting older and I’m on the computer 24/7 – so my eyesight is going and that’s a given. A otherwise healthy, normal 13 year old boy though should not be blacking out and should not be having blurred vision at his age. Granted he’s a ‘gamer’ and on his XBox 24/7 like I’m on my computer … but that still shouldn’t be a major factor.
Will call the doctor and get her opinion and then follow my mom instincts and do what I think should be done – but one way or the other, he’s going to be visiting the emergency room for x-rays tomorrow or the eye doctor for a complete eye exam. Momma’s getting to the bottom of this nonsense – once and for all! After all, I don’t want anything happening to those beautiful brown eyes of his!
Views: 5
That is scary! I do think it is something to be concerned about! I hope you're able to get some answers quickly!
After taking a 'second look' at family history and what is going on with him, we've determined that it could quite possibly be a simple matter of low blood sugar causing the blurred vision and the blurred eyesight. Going to get some testing done for that as well … one way or the other, I will find out what is going on with my son. Thanks for your comment Emilee!
The blood sugar is more than likely the culprit. Having suffered with low blood sugar my whole life and now trying to live life as a diabetic I can tell you with absolute certaintity that both will give you blurred vision, REALLY blurred vision and the low blood sugar will cause the blackouts. I would immediately request his doctor do a glucose tolerance on him, which must be a fasting test. It takes all day, they check your blood every hour and a bit into the testing, they have you eat certain things, drink certain things, all so they can get accurate glucose levels. I wish you all the luck. There's no medical scare like the ones your kids have. I'm praying for you and your testosterone housemates! LOL *HUGS* ♥ ♥ ♥
It sounds serious, like a seizure or something. I'd be really alarmed, too! Don't let those doctors dismiss you until you're satisfied they've given him their full attention and care!
That's what worries me too C.J., especially given my own history with epilepsy and seizures. I so do NOT want that lifestyle for him!!! Will keep you all posted on what the doctors have to say tomorrow!