Buying presents for children might seem relatively easy to begin with. But then suddenly everyone else seems to have the same idea as you. Or each time a birthday, or Christmas, or another special occasion comes around, your choices get more and more limited. Children only need so many teddy pairs, pairs of shoes and all-in-ones.
Think outside the box a little and impress your kids, or your friends’ kids. All the moms will be coming to you asking for tips in no time!
A Personalized Pillow Case
You will be forever grateful for the kids actually wanting to go to bed for once because of their special new pillow case. Not only is it a kitsch accessory to complement any home décor, your children will be so happy with their new gift they might even be tempted to behave! You can view custom gifts on websites like this and build your own personalized pillowcase scene. It might be a dreamy beach scene to help them drift off into the land of nod or a magical winter wonderland that they love. Just add their name for the finishing touch and there you have the perfect personalized gift.
Gift Experiences for Kids
We all know that taking holidays and day trips with kids can be a bit of a challenge at times. But, luckily, there are plenty of gift experience days on hand to help out with your stress levels. They do all the hard work by entertaining your kids all day – you just need to get them there. Maybe they have developed a particular interest in flying, trampolining or maybe even chocolate-making .You can find something to cover most interests. The kids will be able to start making memories of a lifetime and will look back on this day fondly for years to come. Be inspired by these ideas on how to successfully have a family day out without drama!
Memberships and Subscriptions
Buying a membership for your child can be a great gift idea that also somewhat benefits you. Similarly, buying a yearly membership – even a family membership – for a friend or relative’s child will also help mom and dad out greatly. It might be the zoo or hopping around the museums in London that they love. If you can nail their specific interest, it’s a guaranteed win. Similarly, it’s very thoughtful to sign up to a few mailing lists or clubs on their behalf so they will get exciting mail delivered. Kids love getting and opening their own mail so it’s an easy way to perk up their week. Aa subscription is also highly educational; they’ll likely receive magazines and emails about their topic of interest. It’s a great way for them to impress in school when a subject comes up that they have read about. They’ll feel good when they receive praise from their teacher too.
Going for jumpers and toys or arts and crafts and so on will also be appreciated, of course. But going above and beyond with gift ideas doesn’t have to be super costly and it sets your gift apart from the rest!

I like the Gift Experiences for Kids. I like giving experiences for adults, but hadn’t thought about them for kids.
these are good ideas. Never thought about giving a kid a pillow case.
I know what you mean Terry! Teen #1 is getting a Suicide Boys pillowcase for his birthday in November. He’s going to absolutely love it ha ha ha!
Great tips for more original gifts for the kids. Loved the memberships to museums. I wouldn’t mind getting that one myself.
I know what you mean Gale! Got a lot of great ideas from this post myself!