You might be a work-at-home copywriter or virtual assistant, sitting by the computer all day, not having much fun. While the kids are in school and your partner is away working, you might start feeling down from time to time. It happens to be one of the biggest pitfalls of working from home. To keep you motivated, focused, you can change things around and get a dog. You will be able to see and feel the difference in just a few weeks, once you got used to the new order. Find out more about the benefits of having a dog as a work companion.

Staring at the screen all day can be boring, and you might find it hard to stay motivated. You might just have started working from home, and find it extremely quiet after the office environment. While you can have music on, it is not the same as a real companion. A dog will be happy to wait until you finish your task and be happy to see you stand up to give them a treat or a walk. A dog is a great company, as he knows when to talk, entertain, or stay quiet.
You might be guilty of not getting enough fresh air, or not moving about enough. A dog can keep you motivated to stand up every now and then, play with them, or go for a walk. You can protect your joints and muscles if you stretch every now and then, and a dog will help you keep moving, by reminding you of their needs. To understand the relationship between dog ownership and wellbeing, check out this awesome dog blog to learn more.
You might not be feeling secure staying at home, and you don’t want to be distracted by door salesmen and canvassers every five minutes. While you cannot prevent cold callers, you can feel more secure with a dog tagging behind you and barking in the background. Whether you are suffering from anxiety or simply don’t like staying at home alone, you will feel much safer after you get a dog.
Emotional Support

In case you are doing a stressful job from home, you can get stressed out and have nobody to talk to about your frustrations. The good news is that a dog will listen without judgments, and you can tell them anything. When you feel like you had enough of the computer screen, they will be happy to go for a walk any time. If you plan to get a coffee around the corner to blow off the cobwebs, they will be more than happy to accompany you.
Whether you are a stay at home mom or are running your business from your home office, you will need to create a daily routine, or you will never stop. If you have a dog to look after, you will get regular breaks for walking your pet, feeding them, or simply playing. Your dog will learn your daily routine as well, and remind you of lunchtime and walking.
Whether you are missing the company you had in the office or would like to break up your day working from home, getting a dog is a great idea.