Below you will find our guidelines and instructions on how to contribute a Partner Content piece to be published on Life in a House. This information was updated as of June 20, 2020, and is subject to change.

Know Our Audience
Life in a House (LIAH) provides quality articles and helpful tips that are useful for FAMILIES while also promoting our affiliate partners and their products.
Articles must be family-oriented topics relevant to our audience, which is 65% female and 35% male. Our readers are the primary decision-makers in their homes. They are value shoppers who are interested in family-focused information such as budget lifestyle, recipes and 30-minute meals, they love refreshing their homes with DIY projects, travel, saving money, and of course, creating a friendly and joyful environment for their children.
Our audience consists of parents and empty-nesters who appreciate tips on managing household finances on a budget. The top 5 countries are readers hail from are the United States, Ukraine, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Canada.
We also have a section designated just for our fellow bloggers with tips and suggestions that we have found useful over the years.
What We Cover
Review the various categories above in our menu bar to familiarize yourself with the topics we offer our readers. We do not do bitcoin, gambling/casino, property management, or other business-related articles (unless they pertain to a home business). If you wish to publish an article on one of those topics, the prices are much, much higher.
Submitting Your Article
Your article submission must be written in US English with proper grammar. I don’t have hours available to re-write the article you submit and correct your grammar and punctuation.
Your post needs to provide actionable advice – i.e., if you share a tip on starting a container garden, then our readers should be able to put that tip into action based on your post or via links for further reading – and create their own container garden when finished.
A maximum of two (2) client links per article. You may include other links to news, informational, US government, or other LIAH articles.
All content published on LIAH is permanent with the exception of one-year link placements that are currently being phased out.
Payment & Failure to Pay
Our policy has always been payment PRIOR to publication because of individuals and companies who do not honor their word. For those, we have a Contributor Blacklist published on the blog that is shared with over 145,000 bloggers worldwide and our blogging groups on Facebook.
We use Google Analytics and Social Bluebook to track the value of our services.
All prices for services provided by LIAH are located on our Blog Services page. We do not accept less than what you see posted, so don’t ask. Individuals or companies who ask us to publish something for $10 or $20 will be ignored. Repeated requests will get you blocked from contacting us.
We have the right to update information and repurpose your post whenever necessary – such as converting your post into other content types as a way to promote them further.
If you have any further questions you can use our contact form to reach out to us.