January Instagram Challenge – Day 1 – You

I am excited to be participating in the January Instagram Challenge hosted by Aubrey Griffin (@grownandhealthy). Each day those of us participating upload an image relating to the word of the day and what it means to us. I would love it if you join us! You can add your Instagram site to the blog hop link on this post.

Day #1 - You

Today’s Word is You

I always have a moment of reflection at the end of the year and the beginning of the new one. Looking back on the 46 years that I’ve been blessed to be on this earth, I’m proud of my accomplishments. I’ve set goals and reached some of them, decided that others just weren’t meant for me, and done my best to give my all each and every day. I’m excited about the future and what it holds in store for me, my blog, my family, my friends. The above is a photo of me that my mother had taken when my dad was in the service and away from home. I could not think of a more fitting photo for “you” than this one.


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