If you have children in your household, you know that you will stoop to doing just about anything to keep that Christmas magic alive for your young ones just as long as you can. Once they begin to stop believing in Santa, its pretty much downhill from there. It means they are growing up, their innocence is being replaced with their ever-expanding opinions and thoughts on the world – and we, as parents, can only stand by and watch with mixed emotions as our little ones grow up.
You still have time to keep that Christmas magic alive though! If you have not already done so, stop by the Portable North Pole web site and create a video specifically for the young believer in your life from Santa himself! Friends and family members can create one for your child as well. All you need to have on hand is the child’s name, age, what mom and dad have been asking him or her to do this year, a recent photo, and the one toy that they are just dying to receive this year. Put it all together, and an email will be on its way to your child with a video from Santa himself!

Each year when the Portable North Pole is ready to begin the Christmas magic, you’ll receive an email letting you know that the site is now available and you can go and create your Santa videos for all of your favorite little believers – ABSOLUTELY FREE. It’s just their way of helping to spread some Christmas cheer and to keep the magic alive too!
Even though my youngest is now almost 10 years old (and a wee bit jaded when it comes to Santa), he still asked me the other day when he was going to be getting his video from Santa like Shane and Jasmine had. I had not created one for him this year, simply because he told me that he didn’t believe in Santa anymore (literally broke my heart), but perhaps I can squeeze out just one more year of Christmas magic for him as well.
I’ll see you at the Portable North Pole!