No First-Aid Kit? Not A Problem With These DIY First Aid Tips

Hopefully, you have a fully stocked first-aid kit or medicine cabinet in your home. This should be filled with everything that you might need to treat any minor injuries that could occur, such as bandages, band aids, antiseptic creams, and painkillers. These are important in every household as a good first-aid kit could make it possible to treat certain things at home without dashing to the ER room!

But there are various reasons why you might be without a first-aid currently. Maybe you’ve just moved house and are waiting to buy one, or perhaps you’ve just run out of some items in yours. Thankfully, this shouldn’t stop you from treating certain ailments at home yourself, especially once you know these great DIY tips.

Use Towels To Stop Bleeding

If you find that you don’t have any bandages or band aids, there are some other alternatives you can use. In fact, any kind of cloth or material can be used to stem the flow of blood, including old T-shirts, towels, and even rags. You just need to make sure that whatever goes onto the cut is clean so that it doesn’t cause an infection. Push it down firmly to help the blood clot.

Clean Cuts With Mouthwash

Most first-aid kits come with some antiseptic creams or liquids that you can clean and disinfect small cuts with. Don’t have any of these? Don’t panic! You can use a regular mouthwash, such as Listerine. This blog post on Wise Owl Remedies shows you that there are many different uses of Listerine – it isn’t just for cleaning your teeth and gums with! Just make sure that the mouthwash you use is antibacterial.

Treat Head Injuries With Frozen Peas

You should normally use some ice cubes wrapped in a tea-towel to treat a head injury. This should be placed on the affected area, and the coldness should prevent swelling. If you don’t have any ice cubes in your freeze, simply use frozen peas. In fact, a bag of any frozen veg will do the job!

Sugary Food Can Replace Glucose Tablets

If someone in your family is diabetic, they might need to take glucose tablets if their blood sugar ever drops suddenly. Don’t ever worry too much if you find out that you have run out of these when they are needed. Giving the individual a sugary snack, such as a bar of chocolate or a soda drink, should be enough to give their blood-sugar levels a bit of a boost.

Use Plastic Bags On Burns

All out of burns plasters? That shouldn’t be too big a deal, because covering the burn with cling film or a plastic bag will work just as well. Plastic materials won’t stick to the burn and will cover it to block any germs from entering.

As you can see, there’s no reason to panic too much if you don’t have a first-aid kit in your home right now. But you should still try and get one as soon as you possibly can!

To Your Health!

2020 Kimberly Signature

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