5 Signs You’re Using the Wrong Skin Care Products

With a bewildering array of natural skincare products to sift through, finding the best one for you can be a daunting task. Everyone’s skin has different physiological properties, so what works for someone else might not be the ideal option for you. 

While sticking to a trusted cosmetics brand is solid advice, a gal has still got to do a little trial and error to find the perfect product. If you notice one or more of the following five warning signs, then it’s probably time to switch up your skincare regime. 

1. Breakouts

Breakouts are common when you switch up your cosmetics, and your skin struggles to adapt to the new formula at play. Thankfully, though, the condition is usually temporary and fades away after a few weeks, so remember to be patient with your pimples. And depending on the complexity of your organic skincare routine, it can be tough to identify precisely which product is responsible. Cycle through them one at a time and pay close attention to how your skin reacts. 

If you suffer severe or prolonged breakouts, however, then the chances are your skin is having an adverse reaction to the new cream. Change to a non-comedogenic product or one that’s light on its oil-in-water formulation for better results. 

2. Dryness and Flaking

Harsh skincare products based on ingredients such as alpha-hydroxy acids and retinol can dry out the skin, in severe cases causing it to crack or even flake. An acid-based ointment does have its place as an effective exfoliant, though, so it’s worth applying one gradually to see how it reacts with your skin. Start off doing it once per week, then twice weekly, every second day, and then every day to test whether an acid-based product is suitable for you. Lathering on a neutral moisturizer beforehand can help counteract the dryness. 

It’s wise to avoid overdoing it on acidic ointments; for example, don’t try and use salicylic acid, alpha-hydroxy acid, and retinol at the same time. If you do see your skin start peeling, stop using the product straight away and apply an emollient until it’s fully healed. 

3. Excessive Oiliness

On the other end of the spectrum, some products can make your skin appear overly oily. We all have a natural layer of oil called the stratum corneum on our skin, and when we take long hot showers or apply potent creams and cleansers, we strip this crucial protective barrier away. Our oil glands respond by producing large quantities of the stuff to ward off dryness, which may result in breakouts or excessively greasy skin. 

Switching to a hydrating product that doesn’t add excess water can help, such as a serum moisturizer infused with hyaluronic acid. That way, your skin will become supple and soft while regulating sebum production at the same time.

4. Burning and Stinging

Many creams and cleansers create a tingling sensation for a few moments, which isn’t anything to worry about. But if you experience any burning or stinging in the following hours or days, then your product has an adverse reaction you need to rectify. People with sensitive skin are especially susceptible, so choose wisely if you’ve had issues in the past. Anti-aging ointments with retinoids are especially problematic; have a chat with your dermatologist to find another solution.

Rather than throw your product away, you can dry dilute it with an emollient moisturiser. If the problem persists or your skin remains unusually red or pink for several hours after the application, it’s time to move on. 

5. Itchy Bumps

Some beauty products can provoke tiny red or white bumps on the skin, which, aside from being unsightly, are annoyingly itchy and won’t go away on their own. Often, a delayed sensitive reaction to excessive emollient or mineral oil content causes the phenomenon, which can congest the pores and create comedones (bumps).

If you notice any unusual papules, switch the product out of your regimen straight away and apply a charcoal or kaolin cleansing mask. Then once your skin has cleared up again, use a BHA or AHA-based product to reduce congestion. Yeast extracts and derivatives tend to cause the condition more frequently than other ingredients. 

5 Signs You're Using the Wrong Skincare Products

The best organic skincare products vary from person to person, so you need to do a little trial and error to work out what’s ideal for you. If you notice any of these warning signs upon trying a new brand, then there’s a good chance it’s not something you should be using on your skin.  

2020 Kimberly Signature

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