Hunting is a tradition that is often passed down in families. Through family outings into the wilderness, children learn the ins and outs of hunting and fishing. They learn how to do so safely, effectively, and with integrity.
Proper planning and preparation is the difference between a good hunting trip and a bad one. Even just a simple understanding of the basics will make your family’s first hunting trip that much more enjoyable.
Below we look at several of the most important tips for bringing your entire family along on your next hunting trip. Keep these in mind and the trip will likely be one of the most engaging and rewarding experiences of your life.
Planning the Hunt
As we mentioned above, planning and preparation are key, especially for your family’s first hunting trip together. Start by looking up any age restrictions in your local area. Pick up any special licenses that you need for younger members of your hunting party.
Planning the hunt not only consists of picking up licenses and the proper supplies. It also consists of making sure everyone is comfortable with using a gun. Each family member taking place in the hunt should have taken the proper hunter’s education classes. They need to know how to hunt safely.
Executing the Hunt
Always hunt on legal hunting grounds. Luckily, there are numerous public and private hunting lands available in Canada and the United States. However, first time hunters, especially young children, might be better suited to private lands.
Pack up the family car or truck to head out into the field. Keep it in mind that you don’t necessarily need a truck. Even a smaller car like the Chrysler 200 LX gets the job done. The key here is to remember to pack everything you need before you leave the house!
Sharing the Hunt
The whole point of a family hunting trip is to share the experience with everyone involved. So plan to be a mentor to all the youngsters in your family. Show them the value of hunting and being a part of the natural world.
You should also educate them on the animals you’re hunting. This will instill a deeper sense of appreciation in them. Teach them the importance of these animals and their role in the world’s circle of life.
After the Hunt
The aftermath of a family hunting trip is just as important as the actual hunt. Ensure that it was a positive experience by going over everything that happened.
If you do make a kill, be sure to educate your young hunters on the proper way to care for and clean the carcass. Involving them in each and every step of the process not only piques interest, it also gives them a more thorough education overall.
There are so many reasons to teach the youngsters in your family to hunt. It teaches them a greater respect for the natural world and creates a family bond unlike any other. In addition, it allows important family traditions to continue. The tips above will help you ensure that your first hunting trip as a family is successful.
When Robert Shores was five he wanted to be Action Man! Nothing much has changed since he reached adulthood actually, the thrill of life just got greater, especially since becoming a Father! During his downtime he blogs about his outdoor hobbies having had his articles appear on men’s lifestyle sites, travel blogs and more.
Views: 340
I thought that you made some really important points about effectively planning a hunting trip with family members. It seems important to not only make sure that everyone has a license, but also for everyone coming on the trip to be comfortable with using a gun. Having people on your trip who have been properly educated in using a gun seems like an important part of making sure that everyone in your party is safe on the trip. I'll have to suggest to my husband for everyone coming on our next hunting trip to take classes so that no one will get hurt, especially now that our kids are coming with us. Thanks for the tips!
That is smart to do a gun safety training for everyone in your party before you go shooting. That is awesome that you were able to make hunting a very educating family activity. I would agree that it is a good idea to teach hunters how to also clean the carcass and make use of their hunting trip. Thank you for sharing!